There’s a Cicada in My Ear

File this Under: Adventures in Cicadas and the Anatomy of a Human Ear, or Hearing Loss is a Small Price to Pay for Taxonomic Certainty

Cara Cannon Byington

50 Fish, 50 States: Whitefish & the End of the World as We Know It

You can’t freeze time, even when ice fishing

Matthew L. Miller

50 Birds: Adventures in Backyard Birding

Birding may be the perfect nature activity. And you can start by looking out your window.

Matthew L. Miller

There’s a Koala in the Backyard

A koala is the peak of Australian backyard wildlife. But this wildlife sighting is bittersweet.

Justine E. Hausheer

How to See a Red Fox in Winter

Now is the perfect time to see (or smell) a fox. Here’s how.

Matthew L. Miller

When Only a Hippopotamus Will Do

Hippos for the holidays? Some weird stories of human-hippo relations.

Matthew L. Miller

Ranger Rick: A Garish Origin Story

A career dedicated to a prehistoric fish begins with Ranger Rick.

Solomon David

There’s a Python Living in My Rain Gutter

Pythons in the house?! When a birdfeeder attracts more than just birds.

Justine E. Hausheer

Campground Critters: A Natural and Personal History

Outhouse porcupines led me away from camp…and to a naturalist’s life.

Matthew L. Miller

The Crocodile Hunter Was My Childhood Hero

All conservationists have an origin story. For me, it was Steve Irwin.

Justine E. Hausheer

Nature Journal Confidential

You don’t have to be a good artist or writer to reap the many rewards of keeping a nature journal. You just have to be curious.

Cara Cannon Byington

A Lifelong Love of Field Guides

A celebration of field guides, the little books that changed the way we interact with nature.

Matthew L. Miller