Hurricane Sandy and the Flooding That Wasn’t

Most visitors come her for the warblers, but some come for the weirs.

Cara Cannon Byington

Restoring Beavers by Plane and Automobile

Parachuting beavers? The remarkable story of restoring nature’s engineers.

Kris Millgate

Give Me Shelter

Our writer is in Cape May during fall migration. She could be birding, so why is she climbing around on a roof without her binoculars instead?

Cara Cannon Byington

Rare Butterflies Return Home

This summer 200 federally threatened Dakota skippers emerged as butterflies and were reintroduced to a Minnesota prairie.

Marissa Ahlering

Reef Cam: An Underwater View of an Australian Rocky Reef

Check out a live underwater view of a rocky reef in Melbourne, Australia, and then watch the gannet cam above the surface!

Justine E. Hausheer

The Remarkable Story of How the Bison Returned to Europe

Yes, the bison roams across Europe. And the story of its conservation rescue may be even more dramatic than that of its American counterpart.

Matthew L. Miller

Recovery: Farm Bill Provides Hope for the Cerulean Warbler

The cerulean warbler is in desperate trouble, but work with private landowners to restore forests is showing encouraging results.

Ted Williams

The Quest to Restore American Elms: Nearing the Finish Line

The quest to restore the American elm has been underway for more than 50 years. Now success is closer than ever.

Suki Casanave

Kids, Drones & Science at the Water’s Edge in Grenada

The future of Grenada is in good hands because kids like this — who can plant mangroves and test water quality without even wrinkling their clothes — kids like this can probably do just about anything.

Cara Cannon Byington

Recovery: Second Chance for Yankee Cottontails

After decades of being ignored, the little-known New England cottontail has a hopeful future.

Ted Williams

What Happens When You Plant a Pile of Bear Scat?

A biologist plants a pile of bear scat. What pops up surprised even her.

Kris Millgate

What Has the Endangered Species Act Ever Done for Us? More Than You Think.

99% of species protected by the endangered species act have been saved from extinction. You read that right, 99%.

Lisa Feldkamp