Discover stories in Environments
Purple Martins: The Bird That Relies on Human-Built Nests
Purple martins are truly a bird of the people. In fact, they have shifted almost entirely from natural nests to human-made ones. Why have purple martins become so reliant on us?
Global Wilderness Areas in Decline Despite Conservation Targets
New research revels that global wilderness areas are in rapid decline despite recent increases in protected areas.
Why You Are Smelling Skunks This Week
Smell a skunk? You’re not alone. Learn more about your urban nature.
Gillnets in Lake Yellowstone: Can Conservationists Recover Cutthroat Trout in Our First National Park?
When lake trout arrived in Lake Yellowstone, it devastated a native fish and an ecosystem. On the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, can a heroic effort set things right?
For World Orangutan Day, An Ambitious Plan to Save These Great Apes
Bornean orangutans were recently declared critically endangered. Conservationists see this as a call to action to improve forest management.
Recovery: America’s Dwarf Fox Gets a Second Chance
Last week, three subspecies of the Channel Islands fox were delisted – the fastest mammal recovery under the Endangered Species Act. Ted Williams has the most in-depth coverage of this conservation milestone.
The Secret Lives of Horseshoe Crabs
Every year, horseshoe crabs emerge from the depths for one reason and one reason only: sex.
Recovery: The Great Teddy Bear Rescue
The Louisiana black bear is the original Teddy Bear. It’s also an example of how an “endangered species train wreck” can turn into a conservation success.
Technology to the Rescue for Foresters in the Thick of It
Managing forests to remain resilient through wildfire, drought, and forest pests in a changing climate is complicated. New technology is helping forest managers to restore forests to a healthy mix of spatial diversity.
Maintaining Healthy Forests Takes More than Planting Trees
Conservationists should plant more trees, but that’s not the whole story. America’s forests must be resilient to survive wildfires and invading forest pests in a changing climate.
A Brief History of People Behaving Badly in Yellowstone
Attempted baby bison rescues. Tourists falling into geysers. Do people no longer know how to behave in national parks?
Searching for a Rare Nautilus, Round 2
Conservancy scientists (and one intrepid field reporter) take on a second search for the rare Allonautilus in the Solomon Islands. Success is contextual.