7 Strange Species from the Ocean’s Depths

Eye-eating worms, crabs that look like a yeti, and eels that help fish hunt.

Matthew L. Miller, Justine E. Hausheer, and Cara Cannon Byington

Six Spectacular Places to Experience the Sagebrush Sea

Six places to visit the stunning sagebrush sea, as recommended by TNC staff working to protect this biologically rich landscape.

Matthew L. Miller

Peatlands Are One of Earth’s Most Underrated Ecosystems

Peatlands are incredible Natural Climate Solutions. They cover only 3% of Earth’s surface, but store around 30% of all the carbon on land.

Ayla Norris Smith

Connect to Nature Near You: 4 Fun + Informative (+Free) Apps

Looking for free and informative mobile apps to help you connect with nature near you wherever you are? We've got you covered. Pristine natural areas not required.

Cara Cannon Byington

Meet the Amazing Giant Rats of Oceania

Rats that climb trees, swim in rivers, grow to epic sizes, and evade detection by scientists for decades. Meet seven spectacular rat species from Oceania.

Justine E. Hausheer

8 Great U.S. National Parks for Birding

With summer in full swing, there's no better time to go birding. Here are 8 U.S. national parks that offer interesting birding opportunities.

Matthew L. Miller

8 Birds to Spark a Kid’s Interest in Nature

Meet the birds that can ignite a lifelong interest in the natural world.

Matthew L. Miller

Do You Know These Weird Hoofed Mammals?

When it comes to large mammals, many species are relatively unknown and receive very little attention.

Matthew L. Miller

The Weirdest Places You Can Find Wild Turkeys

Why you can now find wild turkeys from the Pacific Islands to Germany.

Matthew L. Miller

A Field Guide to Unusual Raptors of the Southern US

These nine unusual raptors are found only in the south and southwestern US, from Arizona to Florida. 

Justine E. Hausheer

10 Weird Australian Marsupials You’ve Never Heard Of

Some of Australia’s coolest species are ones that few people know about.

Justine E. Hausheer

8 Cool Wild Cats You Probably Don’t Know

Move over lions and tigers. Meet these cryptic but cool wild cats.

Matthew L. Miller