A Slaughter on Sikopo: Poaching Threatens Hawksbill Turtles in the Arnavons

Grim news on two of the tagged hawksbill turtles highlights the need for the Conservancy's investigation into the illegal hawksbill trade in the Solomon Islands.

Justine E. Hausheer

The Cactus Smuggler: Are Desert Plants Being Loved to Extinction?

Across their range, cacti are disappearing. The number one culprit? Illegal collecting. A look at the cactus smuggling trade.

Christine Peterson

Restoring an Ancient Nursery for Atlantic Sturgeon

Atlantic sturgeon were once so plentiful that during their spring spawning runs they would upset boats on the Delaware River. Today, scientists are working to bring this ancient fish back from the brink.

Randy Edwards

Recovery: Saving American Burying Beetles, Nature’s Undertakers

American burying beetles once took care of carrion over broad regions of North America. But their numbers have dwindled. What’s going on? And can we save them?

Ted Williams

Recovery: Saving Timber Rattlesnakes, Why Wildlife Recovery Isn’t a Popularity Contest

You know you’ve arrived as a naturalist when you support saving timber rattlesnakes. Ted Williams reports.

Ted Williams

Weird Conservation Part 2: The Even Stranger Side of Saving Endangered Species

Conservation gets weird, yet again. Read on for tales of lizard robots, bird deodorant, and atomic bombs.

Justine E. Hausheer

The Four Biggest Hazards Facing Monarch Butterflies, and How You Can Help

A recent scientific paper argues that monarch butterflies are at risk of “quasi-extinction.” But what does this mean? Our blogger breaks down the issues facing butterflies.

Christine Peterson

Recovery: Saving Lake Sturgeon, an Ancient Fish with a Bright Future

Lake sturgeon, our elders by some 150 million years, have a bright future — if Americans ignore voices of the past.

Ted Williams

Weird Conservation: The Strange Side of Saving Endangered Species

When scientists need to save an endangered species, sometimes the solution is straightforward. But sometimes, conservation requires that you built a robot, search for poop, or devise a seemingly endless variety of techniques to collect animal semen. Nature is weird, but conservation is weirder.

Justine E. Hausheer

Recovery: Hope for Black-Footed Ferrets, One of Our Most Endangered Mammals

Recovery of black-footed ferrets seemed unlikely. Many environmentalists, including writer Ted Williams, considered the captive breeding program doomed. Thirty years later, Williams rethinks the situation for one of our most endangered animals.

Ted Williams

Connecting the Tigers

A new study by NatureNet Science Fellow Trishna Dutta and her colleagues shows some surprising — and hopeful — findings for protecting India’s tigers.

Trishna Dutta

Good News for Elephants: How These Communities Reduced Poaching by 35 Percent

When communities become involved in conservation, does wildlife protection really follow? Recent reports from northern Kenya provide hopeful evidence that the answer is yes.

Matthew L. Miller