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The Path to Sustainable Fisheries is Paved with Data
The SNAPP Data-Limited Fisheries Working Group is field testing a user friendly application that puts management and science-based sustainability within the reach of small-scale and data-limited fisheries.
Recovery: Rehoming Brook Trout, the Dweller of Springs
Throughout its natural range, the brook trout is finding less and less of what it needs most: clean, cold water. But recovery efforts are underway, Ted Williams reports.
Calculating Uncertainty in the Forest Carbon Equation
New research from Conservancy scientists provides a more accurate estimate of forest carbon in Indonesia.
Wiring Up the Caribbean: Designing Marine Protected Areas for Coral Reef Connectivity
New research shows how conservationists can better incorporate coral reef connectivity into marine protected areas.
Snow Birds: 10 Birds to Look for in Winter
Winter birding isn’t easy, but it is amazing. If you’re ready to brave the cold, here are 10 winter-only species to search for this month.
Recovery: Hope for Black-Footed Ferrets, One of Our Most Endangered Mammals
Recovery of black-footed ferrets seemed unlikely. Many environmentalists, including writer Ted Williams, considered the captive breeding program doomed. Thirty years later, Williams rethinks the situation for one of our most endangered animals.
Move Over Turkey: Meet the World’s Other Bald, Be-wattled Birds
Have you ever actually looked at a turkey? They’re cool, weird, and impressively ugly. But American Wild Turkeys aren’t the only ugly birds out there ⎯ with 10,000 avian species on Earth, the possibilities for ugly are endless.
The Ten Creepiest Spiders of North America
Spider, spider on the wall, who's the creepiest of them all? Scientists share their picks for the best spiders on the continent -- the most aggressive, the rarest, the most venomous, even the prettiest. Yes, the prettiest.
Kumuls on Camera: Photographing Birds-of-Paradise in Papua New Guinea
Two birders set out to capture camera trap footage of a bird-of-paradise. The anticipation nearly kills them both.
Extreme Birding: Entering Un-Birded Territory in Papua New Guinea
The Papua New Guinea rainforest isn’t your grandpa’s birding. Science writer Justine Hausheer enumerates the trials, travails, and thrills of birding in un-birded territory.
A Sing-sing Welcome in Iwarame
Conservancy scientists receive an unforgettable welcome in Papua New Guinea.
Journey to Musiamunat: Trekking into the Adelbert Mountains
Follow Conservancy scientists on a three-day trek into Papua New Guinea’s Adelbert Mountains, one of the most remote and hard-to-access places that the Conservancy works.