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After the Clearcuts: People, Ecology & the Way Forward in an Alaska Rainforest
Is there a way to ecologically restore the forests on Prince of Wales while also creating economic opportunities for local communities? That’s the question at the heart of research and work here by Nature Conservancy foresters.
Traveling Naturalist: 5 Top Spots to See Yellowstone’s Wildlife
Heading to America's first national park? Our blogger points you to the best spots to see Yellowstone's diverse wildlife, including creatures very, very large and those very, very small.
New Study: Coastal Nature Reduces Risk from Storm Impacts for 1.3 Million U.S. Residents
Nature reduces risk from coastal storms for millions of U.S. residents and billions of dollars in property values, says a new study from scientists at the Natural Capital Project and The Nature Conservancy.
Quick Study: Do REDD+ Projects Benefit People as Well as Forests?
They often provide modest but tangible benefits to local communities--and don't encourage land grabs, says a new article co-authored by the Conservancy's senior advisor on forests and climate. But challenges remain to meaningful community participation in these projects.
Bison Bellows and Bones: Student-Scientists on the Prairie
Bison fighting and urinating on themselves? It's just another day at the office for student researchers on TNC's Ordway Prairie.
The Traveling Naturalist: Solid Gold in the Rockies
<i>Introducing The Traveling Naturalist, a new series featuring natural wonders and biological curiosities for the science-inclined wanderer.</i> The Rocky Mountains in the spring are a <b>botanist’s delight</b>, with many hills, mountain meadows and buttes awash in color. Wildflowers – many of them with interesting natural and human histories – can be easily found on your public lands. Some exist in bright but tiny cluster on alpine peaks while others cover meadows in a palette of seemingly solid color. <b>My favorite</b>: the flower that paints many foothills bright gold throughout the West, <a href=""><b>arrowleaf balsamroot</b></a> (<i>Balsamorhiza sagittata). </i>
The Yucca and its Moth
It sounds too good to be true; two species helping each other survive for millions of years—each getting as much as they give.
Big Fish: Rodent-Eating Trout
Key up the Jaws soundtrack. For years, anglers have claimed Silver Creek's brown trout feed on rodents. Does the science back them up?