Discover stories in Essay
To See A Wild Orangutan
Happiness is running through the forest in Indonesia, in search of wild orangutans.
Saving Dixie: 24 Hours Caring for a Wallaby Joey
Writer Justine Hausheer spends 24 hours caring for an orphaned wallaby.
Swift Parrots and the Heartbreak of Rare Species
Is it wrong for wildlife watchers to seek out a species because we fear its extinction?
Extreme Birding: Shorebirds at the Sewage Lagoon
Shorebird identification can be a challenge. The best place to practice might just be your local sewage lagoon.
Does Nature Need a Trigger Warning?
If we as conservationists value predators, why are so many people uncomfortable with the realities of predation?
50 Fish, 50 States: Overlooked Native Fish in National Parks
50 Fish, 50 States: Matt Miller searches for chubs and sauger on the Little Missouri River in North Dakota.
It Takes A Village
In the majority of places where conservationists work, our success or failure rides on the backs of the people who live there.
Want to Improve Your Outdoor Recreation? Try Birding.
It’s possible to enjoy time outdoors without paying attention to birds. But it’s a lot less fun.
In These Cheatgrass-Infested Hills
How do we approach degraded lands? What role do they play in our conservation conversations? How do we value them? And does it matter?
A Rancher’s Owls
On the flooded grasslands of Colombia, one rancher found a way to have it all. Including burrowing owls.
Wildlife Sightings: Share or Stay Quiet?
There are times when sharing a photo of a wild animal can lead to its death.
Witches’ Broom and the Conservation of “Ugly”
Should we kill trees because they’re ugly? At one point, conservationists did.