What Does Urbanization Mean for Melbourne’s Platypus?

National Geographic Society & TNC extern Brendan Cohen recounts his kayak journey along the Yarra River, where platypus are under threat from urbanization.

Brendan Cohen

How Hyenas Sanitize The City

In an Ethiopian city, spotted hyenas provide the garbage disposal.

Kris Millgate

What’s Up With White Squirrels and Black Squirrels?

A guide to squirrels of a different color.

Matthew L. Miller

How to See a Red Fox in Winter

Now is the perfect time to see (or smell) a fox. Here’s how.

Matthew L. Miller

It’s Not Too Late for Biodiversity in Heavily Urbanized Environments

It’s not too late for the 102 species at risk of extinction in the heavily urbanized Fraser River estuary of British Columbia.

Matthew L. Miller

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Dumpster Diving Helps Urban Wood Storks Survive

New research suggests that urban environments can act as a buffer for wetland bird species when natural food sources become unpredictable.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Focus on Native Bees, Not Honey Bees

Everyone knows pollinators are in trouble, but almost all the attention is on non-native honey bees.

Chris Helzer

Can Platypus Persist Alongside People?

Under threat from urban development, can this iconic Australian animal survive alongside us?

Justine E. Hausheer

A Biodiversity Analysis in Los Angeles

Rich biodiversity can exist in the biggest of cities, as a new report finds for Los Angeles.

Sophie Parker

Can Cities Replace Wildlands for Pollinators?

New research shows that green space in cities could provide vital habitat for pollinators.

Christine Peterson

Urban Leopards Can Save Lives By Eating Feral Dogs

Having a leopard as a neighbor has risks, but it may also reduce rabies risk.

Matthew L. Miller

The Secret in the Sand Dunes

Spoiler Alert: It's Christmas Trees

Cara Cannon Byington