Managing Fisheries in the Face of Climate Change

Climate change is impacting fisheries, but regulating agencies are ill-equipped to respond to the challenges.

Jono Wilson

Nurseries Restore Staghorn Coral in the Florida Keys

Hands-on coral restoration will help save reefs in the Florida Keys.

Caitlin Lustic

Like to Eat? Then You Should Care About Biodiversity

Farming and ranching can be converted from a global environmental problem into the leading edge of an effort to avert looming biological disaster – and farmers themselves can become more productive and profitable.

Ginya Truitt Nakata

New Research: Savanna Burning for Global Emissions Reductions

New research from The Nature Conservancy demonstrates that savanna fire management has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Justine E. Hausheer

Making Nature’s Value Visible (To All): Coral Reef Edition

To all the benefits of coral reefs, add one more: flood reduction. Without coral reefs, annual global damages from flooding would double.

Cara Cannon Byington

Solving (Part of) the Urban Forest Paradox

Power to the Trees: New research from TNC and NASA shows targeted urban reforestation efforts can provide meaningful public health benefits in terms of reduced mortality and morbidity.

Cara Cannon Byington

What is Permafrost?

With global climate change, the northern latitudes are warming on a large scale, and permafrost soils have begun to thaw at an unprecedented rate.

Sophie Parker

Nature Could Help Prevent $50 Billion in Flood Damages in the Gulf of Mexico

New science shows that restoring healthy coastal habitats – like marshes and oyster reefs – is an extremely cost-effective solution for reducing flood risks.

Borja G. Reguero and Christine Shepard

New Study Shows Flood Risks Across the U.S. are Underestimated (in a Big Way)

New research has sobering news for people living in the Lower 48 United States: you may be at risk from river flooding and not even know it until the waters start to rise.

Cara Cannon Byington

Global Change and Urban/Agriculture Competition for Water

More than 1 in 4 cities could have water shortages by 2050 even if they had first priority for water. How can cities meet growing demand in a changing climate?

Rob McDonald

The Secret in the Sand Dunes

Spoiler Alert: It's Christmas Trees

Cara Cannon Byington

Wind’s Big Footprint: Clean Energy Still Needs Safeguards for Nature

Wind turbines are a vital part of a clean energy future, but we can we site them in a way that minimizes impacts to birds, bats and natural habitats?

Dustin Solberg