Discover stories in Wildlife
10 Overlooked Wildlife Experiences in Our National Parks
Move over grizzlies and bison. We’re looking for some of the more unusual national park wildlife encounters, from pupfish to endemic chipmunks to salamanders. How many have you seen?
Hyperstability: The Achilles’ Heel of Data-Poor Fisheries
New research indicates that hyperstability — when catches remain high even as fish are rapidly depleted — could be a major challenge for assessing data-poor coral reef fisheries.
Elk Antlers on the Prairie: A Shed Hunt to Benefit the Local Community
An annual hunt for elk shed antlers in northeast Oregon provides outdoor family fun and benefits the local community.
A Cruise to a Nesting Ibis Colony
Wetlands for nesting, farms for forage: the combination is ideal for wading birds. White-faced ibis, in particular, need areas like Mud Lake in Idaho like rivers need rain.
A Surprising Look at Crow Family Life
For most crows, it takes a village. A look at the surprisingly cooperative family life of crows.
Local Fishing Groups Hold the Tools for Sustainable Fishing, but Need the Strength of Property Rights
If fishers don’t have property rights to fisheries, what’s to stop someone else from overharvesting the resource? One solution is fisheries cooperatives. But are they working?
Recovery: Saving Timber Rattlesnakes, Why Wildlife Recovery Isn’t a Popularity Contest
You know you’ve arrived as a naturalist when you support saving timber rattlesnakes. Ted Williams reports.
10 Unexpected Impacts of Climate Change
Climate change will affect your health, your sports, even what you drink. A look at some of the more unexpected impacts.
Cows and Grassland Birds: Can They Get Along?
What effect does grazing have on grassland birds? It may not be what you think.
Weird Conservation Part 2: The Even Stranger Side of Saving Endangered Species
Conservation gets weird, yet again. Read on for tales of lizard robots, bird deodorant, and atomic bombs.
6 Great New Books for the Fish Nerd’s Library
Looking for something more than the usual fish story? We have you covered with books on gars, sturgeons, freshwater tropical fish and more.
Wild Love, Interrupted: The Effects of Noise on Mating Sage Grouse
When it comes to sage grouse romance, how loud is too loud? It’s actually a serious question for conservationists.