The Incredible Adventure of the Pooping Sloth

There was absolutely no mistaking what was about to happen. This sloth was about to poop. And we were going to watch.

Justine E. Hausheer

Meet the Takin: The Largest Mammal You’ve Never Heard Of

Meet the 700-pound mammal that resembles something Luke Skywalker would ride.

Matthew L. Miller

Tips for Seeing Wolves and Bears in Yellowstone

Want to see a gray wolf, black bear or grizzly in Yellowstone? Expert tips for making the most of your predator spotting adventure.

Matthew L. Miller

The Cutest US Mammal You’ve Probably Never Seen

Meet the ringtail: the off-the-charts cute critter that could be hiding in your neighborhood.

Lisa Feldkamp

Where to See 10 Impossibly Elusive Mammals

What mammal do you most want to see in the wild? You can see many cryptic creatures, if you know where to travel and look.

Matthew L. Miller

A Brief History of People Behaving Badly in Yellowstone

Attempted baby bison rescues. Tourists falling into geysers. Do people no longer know how to behave in national parks?

Annelise Eagleton

10 Overlooked Wildlife Experiences in Our National Parks

Move over grizzlies and bison. We’re looking for some of the more unusual national park wildlife encounters, from pupfish to endemic chipmunks to salamanders. How many have you seen?

Matthew L. Miller

Elk Antlers on the Prairie: A Shed Hunt to Benefit the Local Community

An annual hunt for elk shed antlers in northeast Oregon provides outdoor family fun and benefits the local community.

Matthew L. Miller

The Best Places to See 10 Iconic American Animals

What better way to celebrate the July 4 holiday than with some iconic American animals. Here's our list of the best places to see some of the coolest critters in the US.

Matthew L. Miller

Top 10 Night Safaris: When the (Wildlife) Freaks Come Out

Join us for a naturalist's guide to the best night life on the planet. Grab a flashlight and join the party, with a guest list that includes aardvarks, rare wild cats, tree kangaroos and more.

Matthew L. Miller

Antler Tips: Finding “Sheds” in a Forest Near You

Want to find antlers without bothering wildlife? Here's our guide to finding "sheds" in a forest or field near you. Learn a bit about deer, and it's easier than you think.

Matthew L. Miller

Antler Obsession: Can the Search for “Sheds” Threaten Wildlife?

Finding "shed" antlers can be a fun spring pastime. For some, it has become an obsession. And that obsession at times can pose a serious threat to wildlife. An antler enthusiast explores the strange world of "shed hunting."

Matthew L. Miller