Investigating the Illegal Sea Turtle Trade

Nature Conservancy scientists are investigating the illegal turtle trade in the Solomon Islands.

Justine E. Hausheer

What Scientists Can Learn from Sound and Silence

Sound holds the potential to help fill one of the most vexing evidence gaps in conservation: How do we know what we're doing is actually working?

Cara Cannon Byington

Human Health At Risk As Tropical Forests Disappear

Widespread forest clearing in Indonesia could be putting people’s health at risk, as trees provide powerful cooling services.

Justine E. Hausheer

The Mountain Lion in the Window

The subject of the message was: OMG! Mountain Lion Kitten in Window Well!!!! And really, it just got more interesting from there.

Cara Cannon Byington

Reefs Like Zombies?

Coral reefs, parrotfish, climate change, Michigan tourists, and, well, zombies.

Cara Cannon Byington

Hurricane Sandy and the Flooding That Wasn’t

Most visitors come her for the warblers, but some come for the weirs.

Cara Cannon Byington

A Brief Field Guide to the Rocks at Blowing Rocks

What, exactly, are the rocks at the Conservancy's Blowing Rocks preserve? And why do they sometimes blow like geysers?

Cara Cannon Byington

Give Me Shelter

Our writer is in Cape May during fall migration. She could be birding, so why is she climbing around on a roof without her binoculars instead?

Cara Cannon Byington

New Protections & Tagged Turtles Provide Hope for the Arnavon Islands

A second round of satellite-tagged turtles provides more migration data, while the Arnavons rookery receives new protections to help prosecute poachers.

Justine E. Hausheer

Forest Soundscapes Hold the Key for Biodiversity Monitoring

New research from Nature Conservancy scientists indicates that forest fragmentation drives distinct changes in the dawn and dusk choruses of forests in Papua New Guinea.

Justine E. Hausheer

Traditional Knowledge Helps Monitor Threatened Bilbies on Martu Country

Scientists and indigenous rangers are designing a new method for monitoring threatened bilby populations in Australia's Martu country.

Justine E. Hausheer

How Can the Pronghorn Cross the Fence?

Pronghorns may be the second fastest land mammal on earth, but a simple fence can stop them in their tracks.

Bebe Crouse