Video: A Sea Turtle’s View of the Reef

Go along for the ride with a green sea turtle as it explores a reef — and meets another turtle — in the Solomon Islands.

Justine E. Hausheer

Welcome to the Sea Turtle Rodeo

Join scientists and community rangers on a “turtle rodeo” to tag juvenile green turtles in the Solomon Islands.

Justine E. Hausheer

Poisoning Vultures Will Come Back to Bite Us

Killing off the world’s vultures can come back to bite people — literally — in the form of rabid dogs.

Lisa Feldkamp

Bioacoustics Reveal How Biodiversity Changes Across Borneo’s Logged Forests

The Nature Conservancy’s Indonesia program is using bioacoustics — first tested in Papua New Guinea — in Borneo, where they will use forest sounds to understand how biodiversity changes with different land use types across East Kalimantan.

Justine E. Hausheer

Noise Pollution is Pervasive in U.S. Protected Areas

New research shows that human-created noise pollution is pervasive across protected areas in the United States.

Justine E. Hausheer

Camera Traps Chronicle Restoration Success at Davis Bend

Camera traps on Davis Bend Preserve, in the most biodiverse region of the Green River, show the benefit of fire to regenerate prairies and the return of wildlife to the area.

Lisa Feldkamp

A Day in the Life of a Field Scientist: Indonesian Borneo Edition

Follow Conservancy scientists along for a day of acoustic fieldwork in the wilds of Indonesian Borneo… filled with rugged roads, run-ins with wildlife, and the dreaded durian fruit.

Justine E. Hausheer

7 Science Innovations That Are Changing Conservation

To solve the world’s most pressing conservation problems, scientists are looking to drones, nanotechnology, microbes and even pasta makers.

Cara Cannon Byington and Matthew L. Miller

NatureNet Science Research Update: Nanotechnology

An important step toward the next generation of smart nanoparticle systems: the ability to precisely engineer those systems in size, shape and composition

Cara Cannon Byington

Camera Trapping in the Australian Desert

Watch the best photos and video data from camera traps deep in the Australian desert.

Justine E. Hausheer

9 Animal Cams You Need in Your Life

From an African watering hole to bison, otters, penguins, naked mole-rats, pandas and more, these are 9 animal cams you need in your life.

Cara Cannon Byington

The Largest Mammal That No Scientist Has Ever Seen in the Wild

The saola is so elusive that no biologist has ever seen one in the wild. How do conservationists save a unicorn?

Matthew L. Miller