A Q&A with Eddie Game: How Acoustics Are Changing Conservation

Conservancy scientist Eddie Game explains how acoustics could revolutionize conservation data collection.

Justine E. Hausheer

Tracking the Three-Legged Snow Leopard

Nature Conservancy scientists are collaring snow leopards in western Mongolia to help limit livestock predation and protect these rare cats.

Justine E. Hausheer

Six Ways Sound Data Is Changing Conservation

The world is a noisy place — and scientists can use that sound to help protect wildlife and wild places.

Justine E. Hausheer

Camera Trap Chronicles: Enjoy a Gallery of Kenyan Wildlife

Enjoy great images of wildlife large and small captured on camera traps at two Kenya wildlife conservancies.

Matthew L. Miller

What Does the Fish Say?

Some fish species use sound to communicate, and these vocalizations could be key for scientists studying both fish and their freshwater ecosystems.

Justine E. Hausheer

Fall in Love with the American Kestrel on Our Nest Cam

Bird cams are a lot of fun, and kestrels in particular are fiercely cute and fascinating. A sneak peek into the lives of American kestrels.

Sara Wetmore

Giraffes Are in Trouble, and You Can Help

Reticulated giraffe populations have declined 70 percent since the 1990s. Here’s a free and easy way to help, without leaving your computer.

Matthew L. Miller

The Yeti: A Story of Scientific Misunderstanding

Science has laid to rest any “evidence” of the Yeti, but perhaps it has always overlooked the myth.

Joe Smith

Tracing the Wild Origins of the Domestic Turkey

What are the wild origins of our domestic turkey – and who did the domesticating? It’s a remarkable story that includes a lost turkey subspecies.

Joe Smith

Camera Traps: Taking Care of Your Space in Nature

Like so many places in the US, the wildlife of High Mountain Preserve has yet to be fully documented. Students with camera traps are changing that.

Lisa Feldkamp

Reef Cam: An Underwater View of an Australian Rocky Reef

Check out a live underwater view of a rocky reef in Melbourne, Australia, and then watch the gannet cam above the surface!

Justine E. Hausheer

Threatened Bats Find a Slice of Paradise in New Jersey

Protected forests, like the one at High Mountain Preserve and others yet to be found, give bats that were devastated by white-nose syndrome room to reproduce and recover.

Lisa Feldkamp