Recovery: Saving Timber Rattlesnakes, Why Wildlife Recovery Isn’t a Popularity Contest

You know you’ve arrived as a naturalist when you support saving timber rattlesnakes. Ted Williams reports.

Ted Williams

The Four Biggest Hazards Facing Monarch Butterflies, and How You Can Help

A recent scientific paper argues that monarch butterflies are at risk of “quasi-extinction.” But what does this mean? Our blogger breaks down the issues facing butterflies.

Christine Peterson

Recovery: Mending Point Reyes, a Park Impaired by Invasive Mammals

Point Reyes National Seashore is recovering from an unusual invasive threat: non-native deer. Ted Williams reports.

Ted Williams

The Incredible Shrinking Bison, an Unexpected Impact of Climate Change

Shrinking bison? One of the unexpected impacts of climate change is bison changing their diets. And it could in turn affect how we manage the prairie.

Matthew L. Miller

Unraveling the Mystery of the Western Sycamores that Weren’t

The problem? As trees in some of their restoration sites grew to maturity, they didn’t look like the native western sycamores the scientists were sure they had planted.

Cara Cannon Byington

Follow that Grouper: What Migration Data Tell Us About Locally Managed Marine Conservation

New research shows that minimal expansions to community-based protected areas in Melanesia can greatly enhance protection of fish populations.

Justine E. Hausheer

Can Drones Help Monitor Vultures on Mongolia’s Eastern Steppe?

Conservancy scientists are testing whether unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, are an effective tool to monitor Cinereous Vulture populations in Mongolia’s Kherlen Toono Uul Nature Reserve.

Justine E. Hausheer

The Alligator in the Basement: Breeding Bird Colonies Benefit Alligator Health in the Florida Everglades

Scientists have discovered that alligators living near nesting bird colonies in the Florida Everglades are healthier than those without access to this food resource.

Justine E. Hausheer

Mapping Reduced-Impact Logging with Lidar

Nature Conservancy scientists are using lidar ⎯ light pulses beamed down from airplanes ⎯ to map reduced-impact logging in Indonesia.

Justine E. Hausheer

Snow Rollers: “Spontaneous Snowballs” at Silver Creek Preserve

The fields looked like a busload of kids had been busy rolling large snowballs. But this was not the work of human hands.

Matthew L. Miller

They’re Electric: Two New Fish Species Discovered in Gabon

Not your typical fish story: Journey to Gabon to encounter two new species of electric fish.

Matthew L. Miller

A Long Journey to 5,000 Birds: 34 Years, 6 Continents, & 47 Countries

Conservancy birder Tim Boucher just saw his 5,000th life bird. But what does it take to see 5,000 of anything? And what has he learned through 34 years of birding?

Timothy Boucher