Discover stories in North America
It’s Not Too Late for Biodiversity in Heavily Urbanized Environments
It’s not too late for the 102 species at risk of extinction in the heavily urbanized Fraser River estuary of British Columbia.
Operation Ponderosa: Saving a Forest, Pandemic Edition
An inspiring solo adventure to help save Texas’s ponderosa pines.
50 Fish, 50 States: Cutthroat Connections
A search for native cutthroats offers connections in a crazy year.
Meet the Dipper, the Songbird That Swims
Meet North America’s only aquatic songbird.
50 Fish, 50 States: Yellowstone’s Native Fish
Yellowstone’s large mammals get the attention, but the park’s underwater wildlife is special, too.
Black Deer: Have You Seen This Rare Color of a Common Animal?
Black, or melanistic, white-tailed deer are a rare sight. Here’s what you need to know.
The Rainbows of Bristol Bay
Research on the rainbow trout of Bristol Bay reveals the complexity of this watershed.
Dumpster Diving Helps Urban Wood Storks Survive
New research suggests that urban environments can act as a buffer for wetland bird species when natural food sources become unpredictable.
Hawaiʻian Snails: A Tale of Discovery and Rediscovery
A new Hawaiʻian snail species is described for the first time in 60 years.
50 Fish, 50 States: Silver Creek Preserve
The legendarily difficult trout stream is not always so difficult.
The Weird, Wondrous and Vulnerable American Horseshoe Crab
Can the horseshoe crab, an animal that has survived largely unchanged for 450 million years, continue its remarkable record of longevity in a world dominated by humans? Maybe. Maybe not.
Can Duck Poop Spread Invasive Fish?
New research shows carp eggs can remain viable after passing through a duck’s digestive tract.