Discover stories in Australia
Bird Country: Saving the Riverina’s Last Wild Wetlands
In a dry corner of southeast Australia, life-giving wetlands sustain a huge array of birds—and a 50,000-year old culture.
The Platypus Is Weirder Than You Ever Imagined
Once denounced as a hoax, the platypus is far weirder than those early explorers and zoologists could ever imagine.
Wrapping Trees to Find Reptiles
Scientists are searching for rare reptiles by wrapping trees with yoga-matt-like foam.
Can Platypus Persist Alongside People?
Under threat from urban development, can this iconic Australian animal survive alongside us?
A Night With the Platypus Scientist
Trapping for platypus is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. A very adorable needle.
Why Do Marsupials Have Pouches? And Other Questions
Here we answer some of the most common questions about marsupials, delving into the who, what, where, when and why? of this strange and wonderful group of mammals.
How President Herbert Hoover Helped Save the Koala
Koalas were almost hunted to extinction last century, until American President Herbert Hoover helped put a stop to the trade.
River Pollution Threatens Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
Coral bleaching dominates headlines about Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, but perhaps the most dangerous threat lurks on land, far away from the reef itself.
Australian Magpies Are The Real Angry Birds
Spring often brings stories of watchful bird parents defending their nests. But nowhere is this swooping season as terrifying as Australia
Possum Terrors and Rediscovering Urban Wildlife
How a move across the world - and a terrifying possum - helped me rediscover urban wildlife.
Ghost Bat: Meet Australia’s False Vampire
The pale bat with a soft but deadly embrace.
Australian “Firehawk” Raptors Intentionally Spread Wildfires
At least three Australian raptor species intentionally spread wildfires by carrying smoldering branches to unburnt areas, according to a new paper that confirms long-held traditional Aboriginal knowledge.