Discover stories in Asia
What Scientists Can Learn from Sound and Silence
Sound holds the potential to help fill one of the most vexing evidence gaps in conservation: How do we know what we're doing is actually working?
Feed the Bears to Save Them?
Everyone knows we shouldn’t feed the bears. But what if, in one instance, it’s necessary to save them from extinction?
Electrofishing Threatens A Rare Dolphin-Human Partnership
Myanmar’s river dolphins have learned to fish cooperatively with humans. But illegal electrofishing threatens this rare partnership.
Human Health At Risk As Tropical Forests Disappear
Widespread forest clearing in Indonesia could be putting people’s health at risk, as trees provide powerful cooling services.
Saving Myanmar’s Timber Elephants
Logging elephants are an incredible part of Myanmar’s history — but they’re also key to help reduce the negative impacts that logging can have on the forests.
Illegal Logging & Energy Shortages Pressure Myanmar’s Forests
Facilitated by organized crime, illegal logging threatens to destroy Myanmar’s forests. But a national energy crisis and the ensuing fuelwood demand pose an equal threat.
Deciding the Fate of Myanmar’s Forests
After decades of overharvesting, Myanmar’s forests teak are at a crisis point. But with recent political change comes great opportunity.
In Pictures: A Journey Through Myanmar’s Great Teak Forests
A week spent living and working in an active logging camp deep in some of Myanmar’s best remaining teak forests where people are working to save their most valuable natural resource, before it’s too late.
Tracking the Three-Legged Snow Leopard
Nature Conservancy scientists are collaring snow leopards in western Mongolia to help limit livestock predation and protect these rare cats.
Poachers Are Killing Asian Elephants for Their Skin
Already besieged by habitat loss, Myanmar’s wild elephants face a new threat — poachers who hunt them for their skin.
Urban Leopards Can Save Lives By Eating Feral Dogs
Having a leopard as a neighbor has risks, but it may also reduce rabies risk.
Meet the Takin: The Largest Mammal You’ve Never Heard Of
Meet the 700-pound mammal that resembles something Luke Skywalker would ride.