Threatened Bats Find a Slice of Paradise in New Jersey

Protected forests, like the one at High Mountain Preserve and others yet to be found, give bats that were devastated by white-nose syndrome room to reproduce and recover.

Lisa Feldkamp

Tracking Little Turtles on the Prairie

What do you do if you only have 8 known Blanding’s turtles in the population you’re studying at Illinois’s Nachusa Grasslands Preserve? Get out the hoop traps and the sardines.

Cara Cannon Byington

Recovery: Restoring Decency to Tarpon Tournaments

Can fishing tournaments treat the tarpon, a fish nobody eats, with the respect it deserves?

Ted Williams

Coastal Wetlands Prevented $625M in Property Damage During Hurricane Sandy

Put a dollar value on it: engineers, ecologists and risk modelers team up to measure the value of coastal wetlands for reducing hurricane risk.

Siddharth Narayan and Mike Beck

The Remarkable Story of How the Bison Returned to Europe

Yes, the bison roams across Europe. And the story of its conservation rescue may be even more dramatic than that of its American counterpart.

Matthew L. Miller

Fish Tales: Sourcing Recreational Fisheries Data from Newspaper Records

Scientists successfully used historical newspaper records to gather data on recreational fishing in Australia's Noosa Estuary, revealing declines in the fishery over time.

Justine E. Hausheer

Recovery: Farm Bill Provides Hope for the Cerulean Warbler

The cerulean warbler is in desperate trouble, but work with private landowners to restore forests is showing encouraging results.

Ted Williams

Climate Change is Already Heating Up the World’s Cities

While it is hard to attribute any single event like the "Lucifer" heat wave to climate change, new science makes it abundantly clear that climate change has already made our summers hotter and riskier.

Rob McDonald

The Quest to Restore American Elms: Nearing the Finish Line

The quest to restore the American elm has been underway for more than 50 years. Now success is closer than ever.

Suki Casanave

Kids, Drones & Science at the Water’s Edge in Grenada

The future of Grenada is in good hands because kids like this — who can plant mangroves and test water quality without even wrinkling their clothes — kids like this can probably do just about anything.

Cara Cannon Byington

Can Conservation Provide Water for Cape Town in a Time of Drought?

Can a conservation tool called water funds provide clean water for the residents of Cape Town, while also protecting the region’s unique plant diversity?

Matthew L. Miller

New Protections & Tagged Turtles Provide Hope for the Arnavon Islands

A second round of satellite-tagged turtles provides more migration data, while the Arnavons rookery receives new protections to help prosecute poachers.

Justine E. Hausheer