Discover stories in Environments
Can Cities Replace Wildlands for Pollinators?
New research shows that green space in cities could provide vital habitat for pollinators.
Where Have All the House Sparrows Gone?
The house sparrow, one of the world’s most abundant birds, is in widespread decline. What’s going on?
Make A Home For Wildlife
You can make a difference for conservation in your own backyard. A new book tells you how.
Saving Conifer Strongholds in the Northwoods
Facing a warming climate, conservationists issue a call to action to save northern conifers.
In Pictures: Saving Papua New Guinea’s Sea Cucumbers
View photographs from our reporter’s journey to Manus, where local communities are taking sustainable sea cucumber management into their own hands.
The Howling: Why You’re Hearing Coyotes This Month
Step outside tonight and you may hear a lot of howling. Here’s why.
Sustainable Sea Cucumbers: Saving the “Gold Bars” of the Ocean
In Papua New Guinea, a tribal network is taking sustainable management of sea cucumber fisheries into their own hands.
Seeing the Forest for Its Carbon Storage
In Maine, carbon offsets markets provide a new revenue stream to keep forestlands as forestlands.
Day of the (Turtle) Dogs
Meet the turtle dogs -- they track and retrieve turtles. For science!
For Brown Bears and Salmon, It’s Not Just About Numbers
New research shows how brown bears depend on the full complexity of salmon runs to make a living.
Want to Try Camera Trapping? Check Out This New Guide
Camera trapping combines old-fashioned field skills with the latest technology. A new guide will get you started.
Aquaculture Could Be Conservation’s Secret Weapon
Aquaculture has vast potential as a tool for conservation, providing food for people while benefiting the environment.