Agriculture Can Be a Solution for Deforestation in Chiapas, Mexico

TNC's long commitment to conservation in Chiapas demonstrates the kind of place-based approach and creative partnerships required to make ecological intensification work for farmers and conservationists.

Stephen Wood

Tropical Deforestation Is Making the Worst Climate Predictions A Reality

Industrial-scale tropical deforestation is altering local climate as much as 100 years of global warming under a worst-case emissions scenario.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Expanding the Successful Sustainable Rivers Program

Dams aren’t going away. But a successful program better manages them for people and nature.

Matthew L. Miller

Tips for a Fun Nature Scavenger Hunt

Want your kids to have fun in nature? Start a scavenger hunt.

Matthew L. Miller

Science for Evaluating Flood Risk + Improving Community Resilience

A new study examines flooding from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence and finds current hazard maps are inadequate for accurately assessing flood risks and protecting communities in North Carolina.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

How Hitchhiking Oysters Build New Reefs

In Australia, juvenile oysters hitch rides on mud whelks, subjecting them to a slow-motion death by starvation. Killer oysters. Sort of.

Justine E. Hausheer

An Encounter with Mating Gopher Snakes

Observing snakes is sure to wake you out of a trail-run trance.

Matthew L. Miller

Debt Conversions Can Advance Marine Conservation

Refinancing national debt can be a powerful tool for conservation.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Using Science & Culture to Assess Billabong Health

In northern Australia, scientists and young indigenous rangers are working together to gain a better understanding of billabong health.

Justine E. Hausheer

Nature Journal Confidential

You don’t have to be a good artist or writer to reap the many rewards of keeping a nature journal. You just have to be curious.

Cara Cannon Byington

Quarantine Stories: How We Get Our Nature Fix

How are you getting your quarantine nature fix? Here are our stories.

The Editors

Murder Hornets? Here Are 5 Other Scary Invasive Insects

Giant hornets aren't the only invasive insect you should worry about.

Matthew L. Miller