Cattle Graze Milkweed As Much As Grasses. Are There Implications for Monarchs?

Most researchers assume cattle avoid milkweed due to toxic compounds. New research finds that cattle graze milkweeds at least as […]

Matthew L. Miller

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Palmyra’s Fishing for Science Program Tags 1,000th Fish

Launched in 2018, the program tagged its 1000th fish on December 5, 2022—a significant milestone in a challenging environment.

Matthew L. Miller

Want To Help Researchers Understand Fireflies?

Take a new look at the flashing fireflies in your backyard.

Matthew L. Miller

Wildlife Sightings: Share or Stay Quiet?

There are times when sharing a photo of a wild animal can lead to its death.

Matthew L. Miller

Cool and Overlooked Critters of the Sagebrush Sea

Move over sage grouse: here are 9 other cool critters of the sagebrush-steppe.

Matthew L. Miller

The Logging Industry Can Help Protect Tropical Birds

Well-managed logging concessions can play a critical role in species conservation. A new study quantifies the conservation responsibility of the […]

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Condor Spotting: Wildlife Watching and Optimism

Searching for California condors is a lesson in hope.

Matthew L. Miller

In the Field with Wolverines

A biologist’s memorable experiences tracking wolverines in central Idaho.

Mary Terra-Berns

Meet the World’s Largest Land Crab

The coconut crab can lift 60 pounds and crack coconuts. It’s also facing a perilous future.

Matthew L. Miller

It’s a Trap: Managing Cowbirds to Save Songbirds

Trapping cowbirds may be necessary to protect some songbird species. But when is trapping too much?

Sophie Parker

Finding Mini Frogs: These Aren’t Babies, They’re Just Little

They aren’t babies; they're just very small. Six new mini frogs discovered in Mexico.

Kris Millgate

8 Cool Wild Cats You Probably Don’t Know

Move over lions and tigers. Meet these cryptic but cool wild cats.

Matthew L. Miller