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A Day in the Life of a Field Scientist: Arnavon Islands Edition
Follow science writer Justine E. Hausheer along on a typical day of scientific fieldwork in the Arnavon Islands: tagging turtles, trapping for nautilus, handlining fish, and catching crocs, all in the name of science.
A Slaughter on Sikopo: Poaching Threatens Hawksbill Turtles in the Arnavons
Grim news on two of the tagged hawksbill turtles highlights the need for the Conservancy's investigation into the illegal hawksbill trade in the Solomon Islands.
Watching a Baby Bison Die
This spring, well-meaning tourists tried to rescue a Yellowstone bison calf from the cold. It didn’t end well. What happens when we put our human narratives on the wild.
Recovery: Saving Timber Rattlesnakes, Why Wildlife Recovery Isn’t a Popularity Contest
You know you’ve arrived as a naturalist when you support saving timber rattlesnakes. Ted Williams reports.
10 Unexpected Impacts of Climate Change
Climate change will affect your health, your sports, even what you drink. A look at some of the more unexpected impacts.
Weird Conservation Part 2: The Even Stranger Side of Saving Endangered Species
Conservation gets weird, yet again. Read on for tales of lizard robots, bird deodorant, and atomic bombs.
6 Great New Books for the Fish Nerd’s Library
Looking for something more than the usual fish story? We have you covered with books on gars, sturgeons, freshwater tropical fish and more.
The Incredible Shrinking Bison, an Unexpected Impact of Climate Change
Shrinking bison? One of the unexpected impacts of climate change is bison changing their diets. And it could in turn affect how we manage the prairie.
Can Drones Help Monitor Vultures on Mongolia’s Eastern Steppe?
Conservancy scientists are testing whether unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, are an effective tool to monitor Cinereous Vulture populations in Mongolia’s Kherlen Toono Uul Nature Reserve.
The Alligator in the Basement: Breeding Bird Colonies Benefit Alligator Health in the Florida Everglades
Scientists have discovered that alligators living near nesting bird colonies in the Florida Everglades are healthier than those without access to this food resource.
They’re Electric: Two New Fish Species Discovered in Gabon
Not your typical fish story: Journey to Gabon to encounter two new species of electric fish.
Weird Conservation: The Strange Side of Saving Endangered Species
When scientists need to save an endangered species, sometimes the solution is straightforward. But sometimes, conservation requires that you built a robot, search for poop, or devise a seemingly endless variety of techniques to collect animal semen. Nature is weird, but conservation is weirder.