Wind Turbines and Birds: What’s the Real Story?

Cats and window collisions kill more birds, but that doesn't mean conservationists should ignore the effects of wind turbines. Blogger David Mehlman takes a look at the science, and finds significant impacts to both birds and bats.

Dave Mehlman

Protecting the Amargosa: From Suspicion to Support for a Desert River

Anti-environmental sentiments in rural Nevada have been in the news a lot lately. Here's a different narrative. In the Mojave Desert of remote Nevada and California, conservationists are part of the community and working to overcome suspicion to protect a vibrant river.

Matthew L. Miller

Pupfish: Conserving a Mojave Desert Survivor

Sure, desert pupfish are tough. Hot water temperatures? They thrive in it. Creeks saltier than the ocean? No problem. But now pupfish face a bigger challenge -- people and their need for lots of water.

Matthew L. Miller

Grouse Robot: Remote-Controlled Bird Assists Conservation

A grouse robot? You bet. And no, it's not a gimmick. On the sagebrush plains of Wyoming, researchers are deploying the fake birds to study how males react to females -- and helping to protect the species in the process.

Holly Copeland

How Can We Make Energy Security Sustainable?

Meeting our energy development needs will require converting land from current uses. That's a given. But can we achieve energy security without risking the security of the lands and waters on which all life depends?

Joseph Kiesecker

Logging Carbon by Trailing Loggers

Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) is good for our carbon footprint, right? Not consistently, say Conservancy scientists studying logging practices in Indonesia.

Marty Downs

Zumwalt Prairie: Mountain Lions, Mountain Quail & More

Camera Trap Chronicles heads to northeastern Oregon's Zumwalt Prairie Preserve for a "backstage pass" to the lives of big predators, cool birds, roaming herds and more.

Matthew L. Miller

The Amazing Lemming: The Rodent Behind the Snowy Owl Invasion?

Lemmings shape nearly every aspect of arctic ecosystems. Could their recent abundance also be a key factor in the snowy owl invasion occurring in the eastern United States?

Joe Smith

Chasing Cod: Tracking a Fish to Save an Industry

Cod is as much a part of Eastern Massachusetts as the Red Sox. But the fishery has been in long-term decline. Can tracking cod help save them...and an industry?

Misty Edgecomb

Field Notes: A Bison Herd Without Raging Bulls?

Does removing the oldest, most dominant bulls from a bison population affect breeding and herd behavior? It's the latest chapter in the extensive research of these animals at Ordway Prairie.

Matthew L. Miller

Lose the Memory, Lose the Fish

A dead river runs through it? We've come to accept our current, degraded rivers as normal, even though they once held almost-incomprehensible numbers of migratory fish. Can ecological history be a first step in reclaiming our memory and our fish?

Matthew L. Miller

A Breakthrough for Data-Poor Fisheries Starts in Palau

Find out how a new technique piloted in Palau by The Nature Conservancy could help solve one of the world’s greatest challenges in fisheries management — a simple, low-cost method for assessing fish stocks.

Darci Palmquist and Carmen Revenga