The Logging Industry Can Help Protect Tropical Birds

Well-managed logging concessions can play a critical role in species conservation. A new study quantifies the conservation responsibility of the […]

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Make Lithium Extraction in the U.S. “Smart from the Start”

While the U.S. has potential to be a global lithium producer, careful planning will be required to avoid and limit damage near potential extraction sites.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Condor Spotting: Wildlife Watching and Optimism

Searching for California condors is a lesson in hope.

Matthew L. Miller

Using Artificial Intelligence to Understand Solar Energy’s Impact in India

India has set ambitious renewable energy goals, necessary to address climate change. But given the large footprint projected to meet […]

Matthew L. Miller

Story type: TNC Science Brief

In the Field with Wolverines

A biologist’s memorable experiences tracking wolverines in central Idaho.

Mary Terra-Berns

Meet the World’s Largest Land Crab

The coconut crab can lift 60 pounds and crack coconuts. It’s also facing a perilous future.

Matthew L. Miller

It’s a Trap: Managing Cowbirds to Save Songbirds

Trapping cowbirds may be necessary to protect some songbird species. But when is trapping too much?

Sophie Parker

Conservation Science Publishing Has a Gender Problem

The persistent gender gap in science publishing is harming conservation efforts.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Resilience and Stability on Palmyra’s Coral Reefs

In hopeful news, coral reefs at Palmyra Atoll show long-term stability, recovery and resilience, despite two bleaching events within the last decade.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Finding Mini Frogs: These Aren’t Babies, They’re Just Little

They aren’t babies; they're just very small. Six new mini frogs discovered in Mexico.

Kris Millgate

Turning Tweets into Action?

The science of science communications: Twitter Edition. Study shows promise for accelerating public engagement and advocacy for environmental issues, including climate change and biodiversity conservation.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

8 Cool Wild Cats You Probably Don’t Know

Move over lions and tigers. Meet these cryptic but cool wild cats.

Matthew L. Miller