Raising Cranes: Can Grain Fields Save a Bird?

Greater sandhill cranes' numbers have plummeted since the 1990s in the Greater Yellowstone region. Can a new effort that pays farmers for unharvested grain help?

Kris Millgate

Protected Areas Are Falling Short for Migratory Birds

Compared to other species, the world’s nearly 10,000 birds receive a lot of conservation attention. But what if one of our most common conservation tools — protected areas — are failing to protect migratory spe

Justine E. Hausheer

Top 10 Winter Wildlife Experiences to Enjoy Near You

The weather outside is frightful, but the fire? Forget it. It’s time to head outside in search of owls, tracks, carcasses and more. Your guide to winter wildlife fun.

Matthew L. Miller

Roadkill on the Ocean Highway: Can Experimental Fishing Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch in the Pacific?

Sea turtles were once so abundant that they caused traffic jams in the ocean, but now longline fishing and other threats are decimating populations. Could experimental fishing techniques make the sea highways safe for turtles once more?

Lotus Vermeer

Connecting the Tigers

A new study by NatureNet Science Fellow Trishna Dutta and her colleagues shows some surprising — and hopeful — findings for protecting India’s tigers.

Trishna Dutta

Good News for Elephants: How These Communities Reduced Poaching by 35 Percent

When communities become involved in conservation, does wildlife protection really follow? Recent reports from northern Kenya provide hopeful evidence that the answer is yes.

Matthew L. Miller

Binge on Turkey with One of the Greatest Nature Movies, Ever

Tired of parades and football? How about enjoying a little more turkey – with a movie that shows these birds as you’ve never seen them before.

Joe Smith

Introducing the Australian Brushturkey

It's hideous, follows tourists around for snacks, and lays its eggs in a giant pile of rotting leaves like a dinosaur. Happy Thanksgiving from Down Under.

Justine E. Hausheer

Move Over Turkey: Meet the World’s Other Bald, Be-wattled Birds

Have you ever actually looked at a turkey? They’re cool, weird, and impressively ugly. But American Wild Turkeys aren’t the only ugly birds out there ⎯ with 10,000 avian species on Earth, the possibilities for ugly are endless.

Justine E. Hausheer

Can Helicopter-deployed Toad Sausages Save Australia’s Northern Quoll?

Australian scientists are teaching endangered northern quolls to avoid deadly cane toads by feeding them toad sausages laced with nausea-inducing chemicals. Yes, really.

Justine E. Hausheer

Beyond Birding by Ear: Understanding Bird Alarm Calls

Birders know the value of recognizing bird calls. Now it’s time to add another dimension: understanding bird alarm calls. Ornithologist Joe Smith explains the complex and fascinating ways that birds cry “Danger!”

Joe Smith

Restoring the Reef on Lake Michigan Benefits Native Fish

Reef restoration calls to mind corals and colorful fish. But Lake Michigan has reefs too — and they're also vitally important to native fish. A new effort is looking to bring them back.

Matthew L. Miller