Discover stories in Plants
The Mystery of the Dying Mesquites
If a tree dies in the desert, will anyone notice before it’s too late?
A Feast of Fiddlehead Ferns
Everything you need to feast on ferns.
A Quest to Document the World’s Flowering Plants
They’re on a mission to document and photograph every flowering plant family on Earth.
Going Viral to Restore Damaged Ecosystems
Invasive species populations grow exponentially putting conservationists at a considerable disadvantage. We will have a solution that can go viral.
Poison Ivy: Busting 6 Myths to Avoid the Itch
Avoid the itch – and learn some cool science – as we bust popular myths about poison ivy.
Could Prairie Chickens Come Booming Back?
Prairie chickens were once so abundant in the Great Plains that they were hunted for the market and shipped by the trainload to New York City. Could prairie restoration bring them booming back?
What’s This? Make Searching Rainforest Flowers Easier
Wouldn't it be easier if people could search for plants starting with the things they know, like flower color and similar visual traits? Rainforest Flowers needs your help to make it possible.
Sharing Water: How I Met the MacGyvers of Water Use
Conservationists at The Nature Conservancy and USFS are improving spring boxes so that ranchers can easily “turn off the faucet” when they’re not using it. Sometimes we can meet everyone’s needs with a little PVC pipe and a lot of ingenuity.
Give Me Shelter
Our writer is in Cape May during fall migration. She could be birding, so why is she climbing around on a roof without her binoculars instead?
Tongue Orchids & Corpseflowers: 7 Insanely Weird Plant Species
Meet the plant that eats shrew poo, the orchid that has sex with itself, and the embarrassingly phallic titan arum.
Can Conservation Provide Water for Cape Town in a Time of Drought?
Can a conservation tool called water funds provide clean water for the residents of Cape Town, while also protecting the region’s unique plant diversity?
Recovery: Bringing Back Bumble Bees
Everyone knows bees are in trouble. But, too often, we’re focused on the wrong bees.