Discover stories in Biodiversity
The Alligator in the Basement: Breeding Bird Colonies Benefit Alligator Health in the Florida Everglades
Scientists have discovered that alligators living near nesting bird colonies in the Florida Everglades are healthier than those without access to this food resource.
Five Close Encounters of the Crocodilian Kind
Want to see a crocodile, an alligator or a gharial? Our blogger shares the best places to get your crocodilian fix.
7 Resources for Natural History Nerds
Want to identify that feather you found on a hike? Or find out what kind of tracks a hermit crab leaves along a beach? These links can help you do that, and more.
War, Wildlife and a Remarkable Comeback in Gorongosa
Two decades of civil war devastated people and wildlife in and around Gorongosa National Park. You can have fun & learn while you help Gorongosa bounce back.
Recovery: Saving Lake Sturgeon, an Ancient Fish with a Bright Future
Lake sturgeon, our elders by some 150 million years, have a bright future — if Americans ignore voices of the past.
Ten Strange, Endearing and Alarming Animal Courtship Rituals
To celebrate humans' holiday of love and romance, our blogger asked biologists for tales of fascinating animal mating habits. Here are some of the strangest and most endearing.
They’re Electric: Two New Fish Species Discovered in Gabon
Not your typical fish story: Journey to Gabon to encounter two new species of electric fish.
White Deer: Understanding a Common Animal of Uncommon Color
For millennia, people have regarded white deer with a mix of reverence, superstition and scientific misinformation. And it continues to this day. What’s the real story of these ghost-like animals?
A Long Journey to 5,000 Birds: 34 Years, 6 Continents, & 47 Countries
Conservancy birder Tim Boucher just saw his 5,000th life bird. But what does it take to see 5,000 of anything? And what has he learned through 34 years of birding?
Recovery: Rehoming Brook Trout, the Dweller of Springs
Throughout its natural range, the brook trout is finding less and less of what it needs most: clean, cold water. But recovery efforts are underway, Ted Williams reports.
How Do Birds Stay Warm on a Cold Winter’s Night?
Winter is a tough time for birds, but a warm place to sleep can give them an edge. A scientist’s look at the cozy, and often crazy, hideouts birds choose as their winter bedrooms.
Snow Birds: 10 Birds to Look for in Winter
Winter birding isn’t easy, but it is amazing. If you’re ready to brave the cold, here are 10 winter-only species to search for this month.