The Penguins of Boulders Beach

Forty years ago, Boulder Beach in South Africa had no penguins. Today, tourists flock there to see thousands of these charismatic birds. A conservation success? Not quite. The real story is a bit more complicated.

Matthew L. Miller

Bison Return to Nachusa: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Reintroduction

Join our behind-the-scenes look at the science, restoration and planning necessary for a successful bison reintroduction.

Matthew L. Miller

Decoy: How Fake Birds Aid Real Research

To get a bird in the hand, you have to catch it first. One of the bird researcher's most trusted bird catching tools is the decoy — a fake bird. Ornithologist Joe Smith on why real birds so often fall for their wooden and paper mache likenesses.

Joe Smith

Quagga: Can an Extinct Animal be Bred Back into Existence?

In South Africa, there's an ambitious effort underway to restore the quagga. The one complicating factor? Quaggas have been extinct since the 1800s. Is this innovative conservation at its finest, or an expensive gimmick?

Matthew L. Miller

Safe(r) Spaces for Species under Climate Change

Climate change might change everything for conservation. How can we protect biodiversity as species move & adapt? New study says conserve "flexible" landscapes.

Marty Downs

You Won’t Forget the Mega-Footed Malleefowl

Ever heard of a malleefowl? You’ll never forget it after reading about their big feet, huge nests, and chicks born fully feathered that can fly within 24 hours.

Lisa Feldkamp

Enjoy the Fall Migration: Your Guide to Bird Observatories

The fall bird migration is underway. And there's no better way to enjoy the spectacle -- and help science -- than to visit a bird observatory near you. Ornithologist Joe Smith gets you started.

Joe Smith

Tracking a Secretive Snake on the Prairie

The plains hog-nosed snake -- does it think it's a cobra, or a possum? Researchers are finding a lot of surprises tracking this mysterious grasslands creature on Minnesota's Chippewa Prairie, near a Nature Conservancy preserve.

Matthew L. Miller

Big Gulp: How Often Do Trout and Grayling Eat Mammals?

Many anglers know that trout eat the occasional mouse or shrew. But how often does this actually occur? New research from Bristol Bay on the dietary habits of rainbow trout and grayling suggests this answer: More often than you think.

Matthew L. Miller

10 Great State Parks for Wildlife

Sure, national parks get all the press. But across the United States, state parks offer incredible opportunities for birders, wildlife photographers and other naturalists. Here are ten of the best.

Matthew L. Miller

A Renter’s Market: BirdReturns Offers Innovative Conservation

How can conservationists protect one million acres of migratory bird habitat in Central California, particularly when that property is highly valuable agricultural land? The solution: Pop-up wetlands.

Eric Hallstein and Matthew L. Miller

Beavers Versus Old Growth: The Tough Reality of Conservation

If ecologically important but abundant native beavers threaten ecologically important but imperiled old growth hemlocks, what should conservationists do? Leave it to beaver? Or save the hemlocks?

Matthew L. Miller