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Unraveling the Mystery of Hawksbill Sea Turtle Migration
Join Conservancy scientists in the Arnavon Islands, where they’re tagging hawksbill sea turtles with satellite trackers to discover where and when these turtles migrate in between nesting.
A Day in the Life of a Field Scientist: Arnavon Islands Edition
Follow science writer Justine E. Hausheer along on a typical day of scientific fieldwork in the Arnavon Islands: tagging turtles, trapping for nautilus, handlining fish, and catching crocs, all in the name of science.
A Slaughter on Sikopo: Poaching Threatens Hawksbill Turtles in the Arnavons
Grim news on two of the tagged hawksbill turtles highlights the need for the Conservancy's investigation into the illegal hawksbill trade in the Solomon Islands.
Watching a Baby Bison Die
This spring, well-meaning tourists tried to rescue a Yellowstone bison calf from the cold. It didn’t end well. What happens when we put our human narratives on the wild.
The Cactus Smuggler: Are Desert Plants Being Loved to Extinction?
Across their range, cacti are disappearing. The number one culprit? Illegal collecting. A look at the cactus smuggling trade.
Restoring an Ancient Nursery for Atlantic Sturgeon
Atlantic sturgeon were once so plentiful that during their spring spawning runs they would upset boats on the Delaware River. Today, scientists are working to bring this ancient fish back from the brink.
Recovery: Saving American Burying Beetles, Nature’s Undertakers
American burying beetles once took care of carrion over broad regions of North America. But their numbers have dwindled. What’s going on? And can we save them?
10 Overlooked Wildlife Experiences in Our National Parks
Move over grizzlies and bison. We’re looking for some of the more unusual national park wildlife encounters, from pupfish to endemic chipmunks to salamanders. How many have you seen?
Hyperstability: The Achilles’ Heel of Data-Poor Fisheries
New research indicates that hyperstability — when catches remain high even as fish are rapidly depleted — could be a major challenge for assessing data-poor coral reef fisheries.
Elk Antlers on the Prairie: A Shed Hunt to Benefit the Local Community
An annual hunt for elk shed antlers in northeast Oregon provides outdoor family fun and benefits the local community.
A Cruise to a Nesting Ibis Colony
Wetlands for nesting, farms for forage: the combination is ideal for wading birds. White-faced ibis, in particular, need areas like Mud Lake in Idaho like rivers need rain.
A Surprising Look at Crow Family Life
For most crows, it takes a village. A look at the surprisingly cooperative family life of crows.