Discover stories in Fish
Lose the Memory, Lose the Fish
A dead river runs through it? We've come to accept our current, degraded rivers as normal, even though they once held almost-incomprehensible numbers of migratory fish. Can ecological history be a first step in reclaiming our memory and our fish?
A Breakthrough for Data-Poor Fisheries Starts in Palau
Find out how a new technique piloted in Palau by The Nature Conservancy could help solve one of the world’s greatest challenges in fisheries management — a simple, low-cost method for assessing fish stocks.
Weird Nature: Shrew-Eating Trout!
The story of rodent-eating trout at The Nature Conservancy's Silver Creek Preserve has been one of our blog's biggest hits. But those Silver Creek trout look like dainty eaters compared to this one. Meet the shrew-eating trout documented by researchers at Alaska's Togiak National Wildlife Refuge. And how did this many small mammals end up in a trout's stomach?
Big Fish: Rodent-Eating Trout
Key up the Jaws soundtrack. For years, anglers have claimed Silver Creek's brown trout feed on rodents. Does the science back them up?