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How Blizzards and Extreme Cold Impact Birds
Even hardy birds can be taxed by extreme cold and snow. A look at the impacts of one particularly severe blizzard on our feathered friends.
Joe Smith
What Northern Bird Species Will Show Up at Your Feeder This Year?
It’s the winter birding slot machine. Every winter, unusual species show up from the north. A look at why irruptions occur – and what might show up this year.
Joe Smith
Turkeys Are What They Eat: Weird and Adaptable
As many of us sit down to eat turkey, our bird blogger takes a look at what turkeys eat.
Joe Smith
Purple Martins: The Bird That Relies on Human-Built Nests
Purple martins are truly a bird of the people. In fact, they have shifted almost entirely from natural nests to human-made ones. Why have purple martins become so reliant on us?
Joe Smith
The Battles of Song Sparrows: How a Scientific Outsider Changed How We Study Birds
Margaret Morse Nice lacked a formal academic position but her work on the territoriality of song sparrows changed ornithology.
Joe Smith
Self Medication, Wildlife Style: How Birds and Other Creatures Use Medicinal Plants
Herbal remedies? Our blogger breaks down the many ways wild animals use medicinal plants.
Joe Smith
A Surprising Look at Crow Family Life
For most crows, it takes a village. A look at the surprisingly cooperative family life of crows.
Joe Smith
Shorebirds Are Still Being Hunted, Often Legally
When two satellite-tagged whimbrels that researchers named Machi and Goshen were shot, the birding world was shocked. What’s more shocking? Many shorebirds are shot each year, often legally.
Joe Smith