Joe Smith, PhD, explores the lives of the birds around us by sharing insights from scientific research. As an ecologist for a New Jersey-based conservation services company, he helps to restore coastal ecosystems and the migratory birds that depend on them. Joe lives in the birding hotspot of Cape May, NJ and has done field research with birds throughout the U.S. and Latin America. He writes about nature in his backyard at
Joe Smith

All Stories from Joe
Can Tourism Save the Ocellated Turkey?
The ocellated turkey is on the brink throughout its range. Can its recovery follow the path of the American wild turkey?
Joe Smith
The Yeti: A Story of Scientific Misunderstanding
Science has laid to rest any “evidence” of the Yeti, but perhaps it has always overlooked the myth.
Joe Smith
Understanding the Nomadic Habits of Snowy Owls
New research helps you understand why a snowy owl is in your local field this winter.
Joe Smith
Tracing the Wild Origins of the Domestic Turkey
What are the wild origins of our domestic turkey – and who did the domesticating? It’s a remarkable story that includes a lost turkey subspecies.
Joe Smith
The Ocean Flyway: The Surprising Open Water Routes of Songbird Migrations
Research reveals that songbirds make much longer migrations over open water than previously thought. Why do they choose this arduous route?
Joe Smith
The Underwater Secrets of Horseshoe Crabs
It’s well known that shorebirds rely on horseshoe crab eggs. But these eggs may be just as important to underwater creatures.
Joe Smith
For Migratory Red Knots, It’s a Small World After All
Red knots migrate from one end of the earth to the other. But they rely on a select number of spots – and the people who observe them can be a critical aid in their conservation.
Joe Smith
The American Woodcock, And Why We Should Be Cutting More Trees
We all love old growth forests. But American woodcock need young forests. And they’re tough to find in the Northeast U.S.
Joe Smith