Discover stories in Mammal Watching
The Platypus Is Weirder Than You Ever Imagined
Once denounced as a hoax, the platypus is far weirder than those early explorers and zoologists could ever imagine.
A Field Guide to Elk Bugling
Enjoy one of fall’s greatest wildlife spectacles, the elk bugling season.
Mighty Mustelids: Meet the World’s Most Epic Weasels
Fun facts and where to see members of the weasel family, from honey badgers to wolverines to giant otters.
A Field Guide to Commonly Misidentified Mammals
Never cry wolf when it’s a coyote, and other common wildlife cases of mistaken identity.
One Man’s Quest to See the World’s Mammals
Jon Hall is on a quest to see the world’s mammals, from snow leopards to pocket gophers.
Why Do Marsupials Have Pouches? And Other Questions
Here we answer some of the most common questions about marsupials, delving into the who, what, where, when and why? of this strange and wonderful group of mammals.
The Conservation Story of the Kenya Black Leopard
The first scientific confirmation of a black leopard in Kenya is a story of conservation, community and coexistence.
Want to Try Camera Trapping? Check Out This New Guide
Camera trapping combines old-fashioned field skills with the latest technology. A new guide will get you started.
Feed the Bears to Save Them?
Everyone knows we shouldn’t feed the bears. But what if, in one instance, it’s necessary to save them from extinction?
Electrofishing Threatens A Rare Dolphin-Human Partnership
Myanmar’s river dolphins have learned to fish cooperatively with humans. But illegal electrofishing threatens this rare partnership.
Possum Terrors and Rediscovering Urban Wildlife
How a move across the world - and a terrifying possum - helped me rediscover urban wildlife.
Ghost Bat: Meet Australia’s False Vampire
The pale bat with a soft but deadly embrace.