How To: Go Snow Day Birding (with Merlin)

Or how I learned to love winter wildlife watching (with a little help from technology and the perfect pair of mittens.)

Cara Cannon Byington

Meet the Channel-billed Cuckoo, the World’s Largest Brood Parasite

Summer in eastern Australia means one thing: the arrival of the channel-billed cuckoos, the world’s largest brood parasite and one very cool bird.

Justine E. Hausheer

Backyard Bioblitz: How to Be A Citizen Scientist in Your Backyard

A bioblitz is a nature scavenger hunt, for science. Here are our tips to DIY a bioblitz from your very own backyard.

The Editors

Swift Parrots and the Heartbreak of Rare Species

Is it wrong for wildlife watchers to seek out a species because we fear its extinction?

Justine E. Hausheer

Extreme Birding: The Strange Magic of Pelagics

12 hours on a small boat with 16 strangers, all to see a handful of seabirds? Welcome to the strange magic of pelagic birding.

Justine E. Hausheer

Extreme Birding: Shorebirds at the Sewage Lagoon

Shorebird identification can be a challenge. The best place to practice might just be your local sewage lagoon.

Matthew L. Miller

Connect to Nature Near You: 4 Fun + Informative (+Free) Apps

Looking for free and informative mobile apps to help you connect with nature near you wherever you are? We've got you covered. Pristine natural areas not required.

Cara Cannon Byington

Extreme Birding: How To Do A Big Year On A Budget

Are you a birder dreaming of a Big Year? Here's how to do it along with work, family, and life's other responsibilities.

Justine E. Hausheer

Bird Alert: The Search for Local Rarities

Searching for local rare birds is a mainstay of birding culture. Here’s an overview to get you started.

Matthew L. Miller

Extreme Birding: Gull Watching at the Landfill

Sick of your favorite birding hotspot? Try the dump.

Matthew L. Miller

Larger Beaks, Smaller Bodies: Could Climate Change Literally Change Birds?

Climate change might change more about birds than their migration patterns.

Christine Peterson

Why Flamingos are Showing Up in the U.S. this Fall

Hurricane Idalia brought unprecedented numbers of flamingos north. In some cases, way, way north. Like Pennsylvania north.

Ken Keffer