Featured Stories
Restoring Appalachian Forests After a Legacy of Mining
Shaping a resilient future for forests means a lot of planting. And a lot of ripping and tearing.
Freshwater Mussels: The Livers of the River
A snorkeling outing on a creek brings the author up close with often overlooked and unappreciated freshwater mussels.
How Will Climate Change Affect the Spread of Invasive Species?
Many non-native species will likely flourish under climate change, but there are still things we can do to stop their spread.
How To: Go Snow Day Birding (with Merlin)
Or how I learned to love winter wildlife watching (with a little help from technology and the perfect pair of mittens.)
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CGS Favorites
Should You Provide Water for Birds in Winter?
Many provide birds food in winter. What about water?
Conservation Science
A Half Mile Underwater on Connecticut’s Eight Mile River
A snorkelling trip on a northeast river reveals a variety of unexpected freshwater creatures.
The Disturbingly Long Tapeworms of Alaskan Bears
What’s that trailing from the bear? (It's not the cute cub)…It's an overlooked (and gross) creature of salmon ecosystems.