Blue Jay: A New Look At a Common Feeder Bird

This week, I glanced at local Idaho birding sites, primarily looking to see if anyone was seeing interesting owls. Last winter, we had a great gray owl roosting nearby, and we’ve also spotted snowy owls and northern hawk owls in the area.

But the excitement this year wasn’t about owl; instead, most reports focused on sightings of blue jays. Yes, blue jays.

Blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata) are showing up more regularly in Idaho and other northwestern states, so they’re still a novelty. I grew up in Pennsylvania, where blue jays were an everyday occurrence. Many backyard bird watchers there actually disliked them. This was not merely a case of “familiarity breeds contempt.” After all, northern cardinals are similarly common, and everyone remains all warm and fuzzy about them. But blue jays? They’re aggressive, loud and dominant.

But do they deserve the bad rap? I admit I’ve always loved blue jays. Take a fresh look, and you may see that they’re one of the most interesting (and beautiful) birds that will visit you this winter.

blue bird in snow
Blue Jay in the snow at Cheesequake State Park in Matawan, New Jersey. Photo © Jessica Kirste

Who Rules the Feeder?

People often don’t like blue jays at their feeders because they believe they are too aggressive. This seems at least a bit hypocritical, given our own species’ record on the aggression front. But nonetheless, backyard bird enthusiasts seem to prefer a large number of “peaceful” species that coexist together. A raucous blue jay scaring everything off wrecks the idyll.

Or so they imagine.

Undoubtedly, blue jays are intelligent and adaptable birds. They’re corvids, in the same family as crows and ravens, both also renowned for their intelligence. Blue jays possess a number of habits that draw attention from humans (and other birds). Take a walk around the eastern woodlands and their loud, often-alarming calls are unmistakable. The blue jay uses a wide range of vocalizations, and is well known for imitating the calls of two raptor species, red-tailed and red-shouldered hawks.

The reasons for these calls, like much about the blue jay, attracts no shortage of theories while the actual science remains somewhat unsettled. Some posit that blue jays do this as an alarm call, alerting other blue jays to danger. Others believe blue jays do this to scare off other birds from food sources.

If you have a bird feeder, you’ve probably noticed times when all the birds clear out, and suddenly a couple of blue jays swoop in to hog the spoils. It’s an effective but apparently short-lived tactic; most birds return to the feeder quickly.

However, many backyard birders also consider the blue jay a bit of a bully. But is this reputation deserved?

two fighting bluejays
Blue jays squabbling. Photo © Terry Nelson / Flickr

Some oft-repeated claims about blue jays appear to be based on anecdotes that are then applied to the entire species (much in the same way that people blame magpies for all kinds of crimes). For instance, blue jays are well known as nest robbers, gobbling up songbird eggs and hatchlings. And yet, studies conducted since 1897 have found that eggs and birds make up only 1 percent of the blue jay’s diet.

You can find lots of YouTube videos and accounts of blue jays gobbling up eggs, but the reality is they are not major nest raiders. Most of their diet consists of insects, seeds and nuts. They stash lots of acorns and don’t return for many of them, making them significant shapers of the eastern forest. They should be celebrated as a vital part of the woodland rather than derided as being “destructive.”

It turns out that blue jay interactions at the bird feeder are more complex and fascinating, too. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology references a Florida study that found blue jays were not the rulers of the feeders: “Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Red-headed Woodpeckers, Florida Scrub-Jays, Common Grackles, and gray squirrels strongly dominate Blue Jays at feeders, often preventing them from obtaining food.”

The citizen science program Project FeederWatch has obtained extensive data on the interactions of birds at feeders. It’s fascinating stuff. It looked at how “peaceful” or “feisty” birds were, and the results were often surprising.

bird with seeds
A blue jay feeding on sunflower seeds. Photo © John Flannery /Flickr

In short, there’s a lot of maneuvering and competing going on at any given feeder. And yes, blue jays can scare off other birds, but they’re hardly alone in this behavior. Research has found that a lot of dominance at feeders is related to size. Simply put, big birds will push away small birds. The most dominant bird? Probably not surprisingly, it’s the wild turkey. No matter how aggressive a blue jay is, it’s not going to scare off a turkey.

Blue jays may be very loud, which earns them their bully reputation. But birds like the beloved chickadees will also harass other birds until they leave. As a side note, if you love observing backyard birds, look at the summary of this study. It found some intriguing results: For instance:

European Starlings are dominant to Red-headed Woodpeckers, Red-headed Woodpeckers are dominant to Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and Red-bellied Woodpeckers are dominant to European Starlings (see diagram at right). This rare non-linear hierarchy may help balance continental patterns of abundance. Each species competes with another for nest cavities, but no species is always the winner.

Your observations at feeders or city parks may reveal similar interactions. Recording what you see can help us better understand bird behavior.

blue bird in branch in snow
A blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) perched on a branch after an early spring snowfall, Nebraska, United States. Photo © Dietrich Huebert / TNC Photo Contest 2018

Blue Jay Mysteries

And there is a lot we don’t understand about blue jays. Take their migration, or lack thereof.

Most blue jays don’t migrate. Throughout their range, you will find plentiful blue jays during the winter. But many bird observatories report large flocks of blue jays migrating in the fall, particularly in the Great Lakes and along the Atlantic Coast.

Why blue jays migrate remains a mystery. Cornell estimates that fewer than 20 percent of blue jays migrate annually. And even among the migratory jays, not all make the journey every year. Some researchers believed that migration consisted of young birds dispersing, but others claimed it was old birds. The most recent studies found it’s both.

Blue jays, like many corvids, have complex social lives. They often mate for life and stay with their mate throughout the year. They live in loose flocks in the winter, and have some form of social hierarchy. But again, there is still a lot to learn about this common backyard bird.

blue feather on the ground
A blue jay feather. Photo © Tony Alter / Flickr

The Spread of Blue Jays

One thing we do know about blue jays: They are thriving and expanding their range. Recent news coverage has reported on the massive declines in North American bird populations over the past few decades. But blue jays are a rare positive story: Their numbers increased 28 percent between 1966 and 2015.

Blue jays have been year-round residents from the eastern United States and Canada to the Great Plains. They are increasingly showing up in the winter in the northwestern United States, where they were rare to non-existent prior to 1972.

While they still cause excitement when spotted at Idaho bird feeders, there are a few reported every year. The same is true for Washington, Utah, Montana and other western states.

Blue jays are adaptable birds, and they thrive in the edge habitats created by suburbia and small woodlands. And yes, they love bird feeders.

Conservationists theorize that, as blue jay populations grow, some jays spread out to new territory. Historically, if they moved to the Northwest, they would have found big wilderness already occupied by Steller’s jays and other species. But now, they find plenty of human habitation, creating ideal blue jay habitat.

blue bird eating seeds
Another jay at a feeder. Photo © Roland Fortier / Flickr

Most of the blue jay sightings in my region are in Idaho cities and towns like Boise, Spokane and Moscow, all places with plenty of parks, edge habitat and feeders.

The excitement caused by a blue jay sighting in the Northwest is understandable. Seen for the first time, the blue jay is a striking bird. But you don’t have to live in Washington to appreciate the jay. As nature photographer Andrew Thompson writes, “If they were not so common, blue jays – with their unique color and markings – would almost certainly be considered among the most beautifully adorned birds.”

So, even if blue jays are the most common and conspicuous birds at your feeder, take another look. Seen with fresh eyes, you might gain a new appreciation for this raucous bird. And your observations of their fascinating behavior can help us better understand what’s happening at our feeders, and assist in bird conservation across the continent.

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  1. Gary Dunsmoor says:

    Seems to be the winter of the Blue Jay here in northwest Wisconsin. In recent winters a few Jays would visit my feeders, but not every day. This winter Blue Jays show up every day, with 10-12 at a time being common. In the last few weeks several friends have asked me what I’m seeing for this species since they have also observed an abundance of them at their feeders. After a presentation on Wildlife Winter Survival at our local nature center last week I had people ask why all the Blue Jays this winter. I could not give them a definite answer, just a few guesses.
    I have observed the local Cardinal and Red-bellied Woodpecker hold off the Blue Jay on the platform feeder if they were there first. There are often half a dozen species at the feeders the same time the Jays are around, so not always that much of a bully. Love watching their behavior when there is a ‘flock’ in the back yard.

  2. Sara Ann Korman says:

    I have watched a Blue Jay rescue a Morning Dove from the talons of a Red-Tailed Hawk. The Dove was being squeezed to death by the Hawk with one Blue Jay flew in close and personal attacking the Hawk repeatedly until it finally released its grip and flew away. The Dove survived with the talon maks on its neck the rest of the time I observed it in our area. I was so moved in witnessing the brave Blue Jay saving this Dove I’ve told this story to whomever will listen.
    I’ve also witnessed the Blue Jay always sounding the alarm to gather other backyard Jays in our area to chase off Crows and Hawks.
    Lastly, one spring morning I stood between 2 trees in which the Blue Jays seemed evenly spaced. The ”cooing” and other delicate and ”sweet” sounds the Jays were exchanging made me wonder if these were courtship calls. They were beautiful and tender, and I stood sometime listening amazed that Blue Jays made such sounds.
    I appreciate all their calls and behaviors as a consequence of these and other observations. Blue Jays are our backyard and neighborhood ”watch birds” and I am happy to feed them.
    Here in Dallas, Texas, Blue Jays delight us all seasons. Fortunate are we.

  3. Linda Oliver Hughes says:

    Many years ago I heard blue Jays squawking at something. I went to to find my dog, a Gordon Setter, flat on his belly on the deck, with 3 Jays swooping down on him and screeching at him.he was totally intimidated!
    This was a dog that ran into the river to go after a swan, so he wasn’t a wimp! I had to scare off the Jays before he would get up- he ran for the door!

  4. Sue Keller says:

    We watched a blue jay mimic a merlin’s call. The call cleared out the bird bath so the jay could take a leisurely bath. When finished, flew to a nearby shrub, gave a few more “merlin” calls allowing for uninterrupted feather preening. The jay employed the “merlin” call frequently last summer and fall.

  5. Susan O'Rourke says:

    Blue jays are a constant sight and sound in my yard early morning and mid afternoon when I give squirrels nuts and feed birds. They are so loud until my resident red headed woodpecker comes down the tree to grab a nut or two usually followed by the jays taking off however they return shortly after noisy as ever. But I admit they are a beautiful bird.

  6. Janet Robinson says:

    I live in South Florida on a dead golf course and we have many blue jays here. I think they are beautiful. I give them peanuts. I used to have a feeder but the squirrels kept outsmarting me! They are friendly with others of their species as the first blue jays to find the peanuts scream out loudly to their friends and the next thing I know, there are 30 squawking blue jays in the backyard. But, they are competitive and I have seen some of them trying to stuff 2 or 3 peanuts in their beak! I also have cardinals that are smaller than the Northern cardinals, not sure why there is size difference.

  7. Lorna Beck says:

    I am from California, have lived in Minnesota, Illinois, North Carolina, and now in central Florida. Thoroughly enjoy Blue Jays, don’t remember them from Minnesota, but they were in Illinois and NC. I’ve never found them a problem at my bird feeders, they fly in, choose a seed and fly off again. Have more time to watch the bird feeder here in Florida, so see more interactions with other birds. The real bullies in my feeder ground blocks are pigeons who arrive in mobs of 30 plus and drive everything else away. The blue jays share the hanging feeders with Red Headed woodpeckers and smaller birds and the ground feeders with cardinals, squirrels, towhees, and occasionally in the winter with starlings, grackels, and, this year, Red Wing Blackbirds. We are near the beach so sometimes there comes an osprey to scare everyone else away.

  8. Reverend Susan Abold says:

    I live in Austin, TX and have blue jays at my feeders, more, it seems this year than ever before. But people should be aware that there are other jays. I grew up in Arizona where there are Scrub Jays in stead of blue jays. When I took a birdwatching class in the 1980s, I was told that Blue Jays live in central and east Austin, and scrub jays in west Austin – on the west side of the fault known as the Balcones Escarpment. Here is what I found today about our scrub jays:
    Three species of Scrub-Jay can be found in the United States, but only one, Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay, resides in Texas. Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay prefer the montane pine forests of the American Southwest and far west Texas, but their range extends into the eastern Edwards Plateau and central Texas, where they live in juniper-oak woodlands. They resemble their eastern cousin, the Blue Jay, but are more muted in color and lack the Blue Jay’s distinctive crest. One trait that Scrub-Jays share with Blue Jay is their resourcefulness and intelligence–in fact, jays have a brain-to-body mass ratio almost as high as that of humans. They have excellent memories, and can recall the locations of dozens of food caches. Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay is also a very recent addition to most birders’ checklists: until 2016, they were Western Scrub-Jays.

    Compiled by Owen Moorhead. Sources include the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society.

  9. Susan Kimmet says:

    I was startled last spring to see a Blue Jay at the feeder in my backyard here in Sunburst, MT. I took a picture to prove that I had seen it, since we had not seen it before. Since then there seen to be more and more around, and I love it! I grew up in the northern California mountains and was used to the flash of blue and their loud voiced, it is wonderful to see them again!

  10. Becky Erickson says:

    Years ago I helped to band birds caught in nets. Bluejays were intelligent enough to understand to not struggle thru the netting, weighing and banding procedure. My next encounter was during a walk in the woods when I innocently paused under a nest. A pair of robins made a fuss over my head; within 3 minutes several species including bluejays came to help shoo me away. Last summer there was a bluejay squabble in the lower branches of trees on the edge of my yard. I went to investigate but the cause was not apparent. Just a minute later they continued in the neighbor’s open yard. Must have been a snake in the tree. Yes, as a child, I saw bluejays eating hatchling cardinals in the nest. As far as I can see, bluejays are intelligent community members who no not deserve any maligning. Perhaps they understand better than we do how to balance their neighborhood ecosystem.