Owling: A Field Guide to Finding Winter Owls

Last evening, my young son and his friends sprawled out on a backyard trampoline, staring at a great horned owl on a branch directly overhead.

They giggled as the owl hooted, squawked, preened and swiveled its head around. The owl seemed curious about the children, periodically staring straight down at them. More laughter.

Great horned owls are one of the most charismatic creatures to watch. They are both vocal and visible. Even better, they’re one of the most adaptable large birds in North America. There’s a good chance that a great horned owl lives in your neighborhood or at a nearby city park, woodlot or farm.

Now is the best time of year to go owling. You don’t need to be a life-listing birder or skilled field naturalist to enjoy spotting and listening to owls. It’s the perfect outdoor activity for the whole family. And if you are a serious bird nerd, the winter offers more rare owl opportunities, too.

Here’s a guide to enjoying owls this time of year.

A great horned owl. Photo: © Nick Hall / TNC

Great Horned Owls: Enjoying the Hooting Season

At this time of year, in the right location, a chorus of hoots provides the soundtrack to dawn and dusk.

That’s because, around October, male great horned owls begin setting up territories. Most great horned owls mate for life, but in the fall the pair begin a courtship display, loudly calling to each other.

The great horned owl’s hoot is pretty much unmistakable, although ornithology web sites often describe it in different ways. A common hooting pattern is a longer hoooooot, followed by two or three shorter hoots.

And these owls have a range of other vocalizations, too, some of which sound like barks or a screeching cat. (Cornell’s All About Birds site features some great audio of these different calls).

The owls continue setting up their territory this month, and begin setting up a nest.

They’ll use an abandoned nest previously used by a red-tailed hawk, squirrel or other critter. Come January, they’ll begin setting in the nest – far earlier than most other birds.

An evening walk is a great way to enjoy the spectacle. You can often get an owl to answer your own hoots. Once you hear one, scan thick tree branches and other potential perches. The great horned owl’s outline is unmistakable. You can often sneak closer and enjoy the owl’s antics up close.

Read more about the great horned owl hooting season.

owl pellet and bones
A dissected owl pellet. Photo © Sally Wilson / Flickr

Collect Owl Pellets

Here’s a fun project if you want to learn more about the owls in your neighborhood.

Owls swallow their prey whole. They cannot digest fur, bone or feathers of prey. These are compacted in the owls’ bowel into a pellet that the bird then regurgitates. If you’re watching an owl and it looks like the owl is gagging or coughing, it is probably expelling a pellet.

These tightly compacted pellets can be found under roost areas used by owls. Owls are creatures of habit so often use the same trees and perches. If you locate a hooting pair of great horned owls on your evening walk, you can likely find their pellets.

These pellets can be dissected to see what the owls are eating. You should heat sterilize the pellet in an oven before working on them, and always handle unsterilized pellets with rubber gloves. You can often reassemble an entire mouse or vole skeleton from an owl pellet. It’s another way to get kids interested in the local birds.

Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus, Canoga, New York, USA. Photo © Tim from Ithaca /Wikimedia

Snowy Owl Invasion

As you take your evening walks, you may well see other species of owls. There are 18 other species in North America, and once you train your eyes to look, you’ll be surprised at the cool species that are out there. Sites like Owling.com can help you identify and spot the full diversity of these fascinating creatures.

In the winter, some of the best owling is not even at night. Take the snowy owl. Usually, this is a species of the Arctic. But some years, snowy owls can be found in many parts of North America, from farm fields to airport runways. These irruptions, as they’re known, are tied to lemming abundance in the north country.

Local birding groups or the iNaturalist app can help you find a snowy owl near you. A snowy owl will often stay in the same general area for weeks or longer.

You can record your sightings for a citizen science effort called Project Snowstorm that tracks annual movements of snowy owls.

Seeing a snowy owl is a highlight for even the most-experienced birders. And the winter owl rarities don’t stop there…

owl in a tree
A great grey owl. Photo © Jim Richmond / Flickr

Northern Owls Head South

Three northern owl species – the great gray owl, boreal owl and northern hawk owl – irregularly appear in more southerly habitats during the winter.

As ornithologist Joe Smith writes, these species “all appear in large numbers at southern latitudes when there are fewer rodents in their typical, far-northern winter range. A study in Quebec demonstrated that irruptions of all of these owl species occurred every four years when rodent population cycles bottomed out. In this case, the irruptions represent a change in the movements of owls rather than a change in their population.”

I admit that I love observing birds but all-day bird counts and frenetic listing field trips have always held limited interest. However, heading out to spot a beautiful, rare bird is the kind of quest I live for.

In recent years, local birding groups have reported both northern hawk owl and great gray owl near our southern Idaho home, both highly unusual sightings. The northern hawk owl inspired our first family road trip with my son (he was then 2 months old). We found the hawk owl on a side street in Hailey, Idaho, and even witnessed it successfully hunting a vole.

The great gray owl was located in a city park in Boise, and we were able to observe it from about 20 feet away.

These winter outings bring wild adventure to vacant lots and little parks. They’re treasure hunts, with owls.

A northern saw-whet owl in Montpelier, Vermont. Photo © James D. Thompson

Owling Ethics

Owls are often highly visible at this time of year. Great horned owls are adaptable to people and thrive in our neighborhoods. The northern owl species often live in wilderness areas and are much less used to the pressures of humanity. Please give them space.

Some nature photography operators have begun tours, particularly in Minnesota, that feature winter owls as the main attraction. Unfortunately, some of these tours bait the owls with live mice.

My friend and skilled wildlife photographer Mike Furtman has actively campaigned against this practice. He points out that pet-shop mice can contain salmonella. Perhaps even worse, baiting acclimates these owls to people, which poses many dangers. The tours often occur near roads, increasing the chances of the owls being killed by passing cars. Please do not support tour companies that bait owls.

And, as with any wildlife photography, please give the owls plenty of space. I saw people getting right up to the great gray owl I spotted last winter, visibly stressing the animal. Your photo is not worth the owl’s life.

Also, many owls roost on private property. Please respect local neighbors and property owners. Their habitat is getting the owl through the winter so please respect their privacy and property rights.

These simple behaviors will help the owls and still allow you to enjoy one of the greatest shows of winter. Grab a pair of binoculars – or just your curiosity – and take a walk. The owls are out there, if you stop, look and listen.

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  1. Margo Mariana says:

    I share your love and appreciation for these regal creatures. Thank you for providing these articles. I look forward to receiving more articles.

  2. Madeline Pendergrass says:

    good article, & I support your comments about “Owl tours” & giving them space! Thank you

  3. Fred Swinehart says:

    Be careful walking your little doggie in Northern Michigan at night! No bad news to report, but some close calls lately. Never any problems with our golden retrievers in the past, but a new family Corgie was just buzzed by a deathly shadow of death a few days ago. Dog was on a short lease and all was okay. We all hope our local hooter found a tasty rabbit instead.

    Fred in Roscommon Mi

  4. Linda Cook says:

    We had a great horned owl in a high tree in our yard in Panhandle, Tx. His calls finally attracted a female and we then watched them raise a baby owl. After the baby began to test his wings, I was out in the yard one day when he flew over my way and landed on a tree branch near me. I remained totally still; we just enjoyed observing one another. Finally, the parents began yelling at him to get back in the nest! He took a few seconds to look me over good, then returned to his parents. What a hoot!!!!!!!!!

  5. Ellen Pace-Candelaria says:

    Thank you! Helpful. Love owls. Have saved a couple. One being attacked by bluejays who were protecting their nestlings. It had a bloodied head, poor thing. I dropped a large basket over it (the owl was grounded), called Humane Society, and they arrived and safely removed the owl and assured me it would be cared for and released.

  6. margaret metsack says:

    Very nice article and it seems you can never remind people enough to respect our beautiful birds by not stressing them out.

  7. Tucker Thomas says:


  8. Karl Haehn says:

    I was hunting a nuisance raccoon last Spring by setting up a blind out of the back door of my garage. This raccoon would come late at night and demolish the hummingbird feeders on our deck….and I mean destroy them completely. Hummingbirds are my wife’s passion, so I know what I have to do. I had left the back flood lights on so I could spot the villain and get a bead on him with my .22 rifle. I’ve learned over 25 years that no other deterrent works. We live on 25 acres of land surrounded by miles of game area. If I live trap them, they just become a nuisance elsewhere, or return in under a week. Raccoons are a constant road kill menu for our crows. We have lots of them…

    It was about 1:45 AM , and all was deathly quiet. I’d seen nothing other than a mouse, a garter snake, and those infernal June bugs that were hitting the flood lights and doing back-strokes on the cement. Suddenly, out of nowhere an owl swooped down right in front of me, snatched up three or four June bugs, swiveled his head around to look at me and then calmly rose back into the air with one wing beat. It disappeared into the backyard woods in another second, gliding about one foot off the ground. The total episode took place within about four to five seconds, but my mouth remained agape for long after that…..and my heart was pounding for quite some time too. All this, in total silence, without the slightest sound of a wing beat.

    Been in love with owls ever since. I use an owl “hooter” call that I used to use for turkey hunting. Most nights the owl will come in quite close, especially if I’m patient enough and don’t “over call”. But I rarely actually spot them. I think they’re angered when they find out “they’ve been had.”

    Karl Haehn
    Columbiaville, Michigan

  9. Arleen Denchy says:

    Do you have any information/tips on Screech Owls? I am probably calling them by the wrong name. For the past 10 or so years I have been putting up owl houses which I have made and have had owls nest in them. The houses are in my mango tree. I have pictures of the owlets when they peek out of the nest, pictures of the parents bringing food to them, (small what we call lizards) during owl hunting times. The hurricanes have played some havoc on them. The owls we see in our backyards are 8″ inches tall.

    Hope to hear from you.

    1. You are calling them by the correct name. There are eastern and western screech owls. I see or hear western screech owls occasionally. Nest boxes assist them greatly. Thank you for what you are doing. They are really interesting creatures. I tend to see them more in the spring and summer than in the winter. Thanks for writing. Matt

  10. F. Tempel Riekhof says:

    Thanks for the super photos