Meet the Bat Falcon, the ABA Area’s Newest Bird

Meet the bat falcon, one of 5 new species added to the American Birding Association's checklist.

Justine E. Hausheer

Finding Mini Frogs: These Aren’t Babies, They’re Just Little

They aren’t babies; they're just very small. Six new mini frogs discovered in Mexico.

Kris Millgate

When Wildfire Comes to Nature Conservancy Preserves

This year, wildfire affected dozens of Nature Conservancy preserves. How did they fare?

Matthew L. Miller

Hope and Peril for North America’s “Snow Parrot”

North America’s sole remaining native parrot faces an endless litany of threats. But there’s hope.

Christine Peterson

When Only a Hippopotamus Will Do

Hippos for the holidays? Some weird stories of human-hippo relations.

Matthew L. Miller

Discovered: The World’s Highest-Dwelling Mammal

A mammal on a Chilean volcano sets the record for high-altitude living.

Matthew L. Miller

Capybara: Meet the World’s Largest Rodent

A rodent the size of a Labrador retriever? You won’t believe the life of the capybara.

Matthew L. Miller

Seaweed as Sustainable Livelihood

Seaweed farming can provide livelihoods for rural and indigenous women in Indonesia. How can this aquaculture be practiced sustainably?

Tiffany Waters

Recovery: Victories in Galápagos National Park

New hope for the iconic native wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.

Ted Williams

Can Tourism Save the Ocellated Turkey?

The ocellated turkey is on the brink throughout its range. Can its recovery follow the path of the American wild turkey?

Joe Smith

Migration, The Black Box of Neotropical Bird Conservation

New research evaluates the state of the science around bird populations migrating through the Gulf of Mexico.

Justine E. Hausheer

Migration in Motion: Visualizing Species Movements Due to Climate Change

Climate change is already forcing species to migrate to cooler climates, and Conservancy scientists are mapping these predicted migrations.

Justine E. Hausheer