The Curito: Guardian of Orinoquia Conservation and Tradition

This special fish reflects the amphibious cultural identity of the people of Orinoquia, Colombia.

Cristhian Aguirre H

Studying Challenges to Cozumel’s Coral Reefs

National Geographic Society and TNC extern Sophie Dellinger examines the impacts of poor water quality on Cozumel's coral reefs.

Sophie Dellinger

Nature and Equity: The Future of Lasting Conservation?

Solutions to the challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change may require entwined solutions framed by “Nature and Equity.”

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Frogs as Pollinators?

This Brazilian frog may pollinate milk fruit trees as it visits flowers to sip nectar.

Christine Peterson

Dorado Catfish: Protecting an Epic Migration

The Amazon’s dorado catfish undertakes a 6,500 mile round-trip migration, vital for the ecosystem and humans alike

Matthew L. Miller

A Rancher’s Owls

On the flooded grasslands of Colombia, one rancher found a way to have it all. Including burrowing owls.

Matthew L. Miller

When Wildfire Comes to Nature Conservancy Preserves

This year, wildfire affected dozens of Nature Conservancy preserves. How did they fare?

Matthew L. Miller

When Only a Hippopotamus Will Do

Hippos for the holidays? Some weird stories of human-hippo relations.

Matthew L. Miller

Discovered: The World’s Highest-Dwelling Mammal

A mammal on a Chilean volcano sets the record for high-altitude living.

Matthew L. Miller

Capybara: Meet the World’s Largest Rodent

A rodent the size of a Labrador retriever? You won’t believe the life of the capybara.

Matthew L. Miller

Seaweed as Sustainable Livelihood

Seaweed farming can provide livelihoods for rural and indigenous women in Indonesia. How can this aquaculture be practiced sustainably?

Tiffany Waters

Recovery: Victories in Galápagos National Park

New hope for the iconic native wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.

Ted Williams