Discover stories in Rivers
50 Fish, 50 States: The Bass of Emiquon
Chasing bass on a former cornfield turned restored wetland in Illinois.
Radio Tracking a Rare Crayfish
The Guyandotte crayfish was thought to be extinct. But it’s back.
Recovery: The Once and Future Greenback Cutthroat Victory
The greenback cutthroat was lost and then found, then lost again. But now it’s back.
Experimenting with Water Funds + Behavior Change
Can targeted, farm-level recommendations spark adoption at the scale needed to ensure the city of Nairobi a sustainable water supply? TNC scientists are experimenting to find out.
Meet the Mysterious Freshwater Eels of New Zealand
Meet the eels of New Zealand… they can climb ladders, live for 100 years, and migrate thousands of miles to an unknown spawning ground.
Recovery: Darters and Values
Darters, the native fish once belittled as “cold slimy things,” face a more hopeful future.
For Brown Bears and Salmon, It’s Not Just About Numbers
New research shows how brown bears depend on the full complexity of salmon runs to make a living.
River Pollution Threatens Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
Coral bleaching dominates headlines about Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, but perhaps the most dangerous threat lurks on land, far away from the reef itself.
Electrofishing Threatens A Rare Dolphin-Human Partnership
Myanmar’s river dolphins have learned to fish cooperatively with humans. But illegal electrofishing threatens this rare partnership.
Salmon Migrate Using Earth’s Magnetic Field
A new study shows that even nonmigratory salmon are directed by the earth’s magnetic pull.
Recovery: Rehoming Brook Trout, the Dweller of Springs
Throughout its natural range, the brook trout is finding less and less of what it needs most: clean, cold water. But recovery efforts are underway, Ted Williams reports.
Big Fish: Rodent-Eating Trout
Key up the Jaws soundtrack. For years, anglers have claimed Silver Creek's brown trout feed on rodents. Does the science back them up?