Small but Mighty: Pacific Island Atolls are Globally Important Sites for Tropical Seabirds

Global conservation efforts largely overlook the important contributions of atolls to the protection, restoration, and survival of tropical seabirds.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Want to Suppress Coral Disease? Bring Back Sea Cucumbers

By feeding on microbial pathogens in marine sediment, the weird and wonderful sea cucumber can enhance reef resilience by suppressing coral diseases.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Meet Lizzie McLeod, TNC’s Global Oceans Director

From religion major to glass blower to leader in global ocean conservation, Lizzie McLeod’s career path has been anything but conventional.

Matthew L. Miller

Studying Challenges to Cozumel’s Coral Reefs

National Geographic Society and TNC extern Sophie Dellinger examines the impacts of poor water quality on Cozumel's coral reefs.

Sophie Dellinger

Want Resilient Coral Reefs? Bring Back Seabirds

Eradicating rats and restoring seabird populations could increase coral reef resilience to climate disturbances.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Coral Atolls are Not a Lost Cause

An international team argues that strategic ecological restoration could save coral atoll islands from the rising seas of climate change.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Loss of Coastal Ecosystems Increases Risk from Tropical Cyclones

Science identifies where coastal ecosystems will be crucial for coastal protection services in a world altered by climate change.

Sarah Hülsen

The Value of Words + Pictures

Think nature-based tourism is only tied to wildlife watching and hiking? New science says we need to think again—especially in the Eastern Caribbean.

Mark Spalding

New Policy Tool Could Represent Sea Change for Coral Reef Conservation

A new policy tool can help ensure coral reef conservation better meets local people’s needs and preferences.

Natalie van Hoose

Resilience and Stability on Palmyra’s Coral Reefs

In hopeful news, coral reefs at Palmyra Atoll show long-term stability, recovery and resilience, despite two bleaching events within the last decade.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

A New Way to Prioritize Climate-Resilient Coral Reefs

A study on coral reefs helps overcome the inherent uncertainty in modeling the future climate scenarios necessary for prioritizing conservation efforts.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Passing FAD: Partnership Protects the Reef at Palmyra Atoll

An industry/conservation partnership tracks Fish Aggregating Devices (FADS) at Palmyra Atoll.

Matthew L. Miller