A New Database to Drive Seabird Conservation

A new database will help protect the world's most imperiled group of birds.

Justine E. Hausheer

Stories from Palmyra: The Recapture

The highlight of giant trevally fishing at Palmyra Atoll isn’t the size of the fish. It’s the recapture.

Matthew L. Miller

The Fight to Save Western Pacific Leatherbacks

A new monitoring effort will gather information about the world's most endangered population of leatherback sea turtle.

Justine E. Hausheer

Fishing for Science on Palmyra Atoll

Tagging trevally on a remote island with rod and reel.

Matthew L. Miller

Do You Know the World’s Weirdest Wild Pigs?

Think you know pigs? Check out these wonderful, wild swine.

Matthew L. Miller

Big Gulp: Blue Catfish Eats Wood Duck

Blue catfish will eat just about anything. Including a duck.

Matthew L. Miller

Edward O. Wilson, Science Communicator

Remembering Edward O. Wilson, one of our best science communicators.

Matthew L. Miller

See Something Weird at the Bird Feeder? It’s Not Just You

Did you just see a weird bird at the feeder? You’re not alone.

Matthew L. Miller

How Hyenas Sanitize The City

In an Ethiopian city, spotted hyenas provide the garbage disposal.

Kris Millgate

How Sea-level Rise Impacts Marsh Sparrows

Scientists are studying the effects of sea-level rise on salt marshes, and two imperiled sparrow species.

Lauren D. Pharr

Squirrel Parkour? The Science Behind Squirrel Acrobatics

Your bird feeder doesn’t stand a chance. New research shows squirrels combine incredible physical abilities with split-second decision making.

Christine Peterson

Meet the Raptors That Eat Avocados (and Other Fruit)

We think of raptors as exclusive carnivores, but at least 29 species also consume fruit. Including avocados.

Justine E. Hausheer