Experimenting with Water Funds + Behavior Change

Can targeted, farm-level recommendations spark adoption at the scale needed to ensure the city of Nairobi a sustainable water supply? TNC scientists are experimenting to find out.

Stephen Wood

Nature Can Be Cost Effective for Improving Urban Water Supplies

In the first rigorous, peer-reviewed study on water fund Return on Investment (ROI) for cities in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, TNC […]

Cara Cannon Byington

Seeing the Forest for Its Carbon Storage

In Maine, carbon offsets markets provide a new revenue stream to keep forestlands as forestlands.

Matthew L. Miller

A Tale of Two Paths to the World in 2050

Can the world actually meet people’s needs for food, water and energy while doing more to protect nature? Is it even theoretically possible? New science says, Yes, but there are a lot strings attached.

Cara Cannon Byington

Human Health At Risk As Tropical Forests Disappear

Widespread forest clearing in Indonesia could be putting people’s health at risk, as trees provide powerful cooling services.

Justine E. Hausheer

Saving Myanmar’s Timber Elephants

Logging elephants are an incredible part of Myanmar’s history — but they’re also key to help reduce the negative impacts that logging can have on the forests.

Justine E. Hausheer

Science and Economic Development in the Emerald Edge

Working in partnership with indigenous peoples and local communities is critically important to achieving outcomes for people and nature. Social science is the backbone of The Nature Conservancy’s approach to strengthening voice, choice and action.

Sarah Weber and Nicole DeMello

Deciding the Fate of Myanmar’s Forests

After decades of overharvesting, Myanmar’s forests teak are at a crisis point. But with recent political change comes great opportunity.

Justine E. Hausheer

Making Nature’s Value Visible (To All): Coral Reef Edition

To all the benefits of coral reefs, add one more: flood reduction. Without coral reefs, annual global damages from flooding would double.

Cara Cannon Byington

Nature Could Help Prevent $50 Billion in Flood Damages in the Gulf of Mexico

New science shows that restoring healthy coastal habitats – like marshes and oyster reefs – is an extremely cost-effective solution for reducing flood risks.

Borja G. Reguero and Christine Shepard

Field Test-Grenada: Lose the Reef, Lose the Beach

Coral reefs are the coasts’ first line of defense against erosion and flooding in many reef-lined coastlines around the globe.

Borja G. Reguero and Nealla R.S Frederick

New Study Shows Flood Risks Across the U.S. are Underestimated (in a Big Way)

New research has sobering news for people living in the Lower 48 United States: you may be at risk from river flooding and not even know it until the waters start to rise.

Cara Cannon Byington