Restoring Emiquon’s “Wetland of Dreams”

Restoring a large cornfield to a wetland isn’t a glimpse at the past, but a look to conservation’s future.

Matthew L. Miller

50 Fish, 50 States: Trout at 11,000 Feet

Fishing for a (formerly) extinct fish in the Colorado Rockies.

Matthew L. Miller

Wrapping Trees to Find Reptiles

Scientists are searching for rare reptiles by wrapping trees with yoga-matt-like foam.

Justine E. Hausheer

50 Fish, 50 States: The Bass of Emiquon

Chasing bass on a former cornfield turned restored wetland in Illinois.

Matthew L. Miller

A Night With the Platypus Scientist

Trapping for platypus is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. A very adorable needle.

Justine E. Hausheer

Afield with the Gar Professor

Meet Solomon David, a “garnado” of enthusiasm for all things primitive fish.

Matthew L. Miller

In Pictures: Saving Papua New Guinea’s Sea Cucumbers

View photographs from our reporter’s journey to Manus, where local communities are taking sustainable sea cucumber management into their own hands.

Justine E. Hausheer

Sustainable Sea Cucumbers: Saving the “Gold Bars” of the Ocean

In Papua New Guinea, a tribal network is taking sustainable management of sea cucumber fisheries into their own hands.

Justine E. Hausheer

Day of the (Turtle) Dogs

Meet the turtle dogs -- they track and retrieve turtles. For science!

Cara Cannon Byington

Three Lizards in a Beer Can

A video shows how a routine trash pick-up revealed a reptilian surprise.

Matthew L. Miller

Saving Myanmar’s Timber Elephants

Logging elephants are an incredible part of Myanmar’s history — but they’re also key to help reduce the negative impacts that logging can have on the forests.

Justine E. Hausheer

Illegal Logging & Energy Shortages Pressure Myanmar’s Forests

Facilitated by organized crime, illegal logging threatens to destroy Myanmar’s forests. But a national energy crisis and the ensuing fuelwood demand pose an equal threat.

Justine E. Hausheer and Timothy Boucher