What’s the Weirdest Animal Courtship? Here Are 4 Candidates

Four tales of love in the wild, from peacock spiders to pufferfish.

Christine Peterson

Big Gulp: Blue Catfish Eats Wood Duck

Blue catfish will eat just about anything. Including a duck.

Matthew L. Miller

Did You Know There Are Four Hyena Species?

Meet the hyenas you don’t know: cool creatures often unfairly persecuted.

Matthew L. Miller

An Asian Sea Eagle Is Roaming New England

A Steller's sea eagle has turned up in New England. Learn more about this bird's remarkable and unexpected journey.

Justine E. Hausheer

Roadrunner: Meet the Real Bird Behind the Cartoon

Roadrunners can survive in the desert, outrun a human, and beat rattlesnakes to death. Seldom seen and under-appreciated, they’re a bird worth getting to know. 

Justine E. Hausheer

Meet the Raptors That Eat Avocados (and Other Fruit)

We think of raptors as exclusive carnivores, but at least 29 species also consume fruit. Including avocados.

Justine E. Hausheer

Kouprey: The Ultimate Mystery Mammal

Do you know the kouprey? Meet the forest ox shrouded in mystery and rumor.

Matthew L. Miller

Surprising Tales of Toxic Animals

Take a new look at venomous and poisonous creatures. Including ruffed grouse. Seriously.

Christine Peterson

7 Underrated Creepy Creatures

Bats and snakes get an undeserved bad rap. But here are some creepy crawlies that might keep you up at night.

Matthew L. Miller

50 Fish, 50 States: Freaks in the Hot Springs

When the water is not too hot, not too cold, expect fishy weirdness. Exhibit A: Matt Miller catches giraffe cichlids, native to Africa, in the desert. In Utah.

Matthew L. Miller

Wait. Northern Paper Wasps Recognize Each Other’s Faces?

Research shows that, for northern paper wasps, it pays to recognize your neighbor.

Christine Peterson

The Disturbingly Long Tapeworms of Alaskan Bears

What’s that trailing from the bear? (It's not the cute cub)...It's an overlooked (and gross) creature of salmon ecosystems.

Matthew L. Miller