Owls in the Outhouse: Opening the Bathroom Door on a Foul Bird Issue

There’s an owl in the toilet – and that’s not a joke. Here’s why birds get into outhouses and what we can do about it.

Kris Millgate

More Trout, Less Algae: Wisconsin Stream Demonstrates Benefits of Targeted Conservation

In Wisconsin’s Pecatonica River watershed, conservationists have targeted conservation practices on farms where they can make the most difference for the least cost. The results benefit everything from water quality to trout.

Matthew L. Miller

Reef Cam: An Underwater View of an Australian Rocky Reef

Check out a live underwater view of a rocky reef in Melbourne, Australia, and then watch the gannet cam above the surface!

Justine E. Hausheer

Threatened Bats Find a Slice of Paradise in New Jersey

Protected forests, like the one at High Mountain Preserve and others yet to be found, give bats that were devastated by white-nose syndrome room to reproduce and recover.

Lisa Feldkamp

Tracking Little Turtles on the Prairie

What do you do if you only have 8 known Blanding’s turtles in the population you’re studying at Illinois’s Nachusa Grasslands Preserve? Get out the hoop traps and the sardines.

Cara Cannon Byington

Recovery: Restoring Decency to Tarpon Tournaments

Can fishing tournaments treat the tarpon, a fish nobody eats, with the respect it deserves?

Ted Williams

Two Great Fish Reads

A review of Stephen Sautner’s Fish On, Fish Off and Mark Spitzer’s Beautifully Grotesque Fish of the American West.

Matthew L. Miller

Tongue Orchids & Corpseflowers: 7 Insanely Weird Plant Species

Meet the plant that eats shrew poo, the orchid that has sex with itself, and the embarrassingly phallic titan arum.

Justine E. Hausheer

10 Really Weird Animals of the Anthropocene

From cloned wolves to high-cholesterol foxes to radioactive pigs, we look at the weirdest creatures now roaming the age of humanity.

Matthew L. Miller

The Remarkable Story of How the Bison Returned to Europe

Yes, the bison roams across Europe. And the story of its conservation rescue may be even more dramatic than that of its American counterpart.

Matthew L. Miller

Recovery: Farm Bill Provides Hope for the Cerulean Warbler

The cerulean warbler is in desperate trouble, but work with private landowners to restore forests is showing encouraging results.

Ted Williams

The Quest to Restore American Elms: Nearing the Finish Line

The quest to restore the American elm has been underway for more than 50 years. Now success is closer than ever.

Suki Casanave