Discover stories in Biodiversity
Reefs Like Zombies?
Coral reefs, parrotfish, climate change, Michigan tourists, and, well, zombies.
Hurricane Sandy and the Flooding That Wasn’t
Most visitors come her for the warblers, but some come for the weirs.
Saved by Sand Dunes
On the five year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, a return to the Jersey Shore towns saved by sand dunes.
Restoring Beavers by Plane and Automobile
Parachuting beavers? The remarkable story of restoring nature’s engineers.
The Millipede That Protects Itself with Cyanide
Cyanide millipedes use chemical warfare to ward off predators. They also make critical nutrients available in forest ecosystems, and yet these amazing critters are understudied.
Epic Duck: The Story of the Canvasback
Meet the canvasback, a striking bird with an even more striking conservation story.
Camera Traps: Taking Care of Your Space in Nature
Like so many places in the US, the wildlife of High Mountain Preserve has yet to be fully documented. Students with camera traps are changing that.
Give Me Shelter
Our writer is in Cape May during fall migration. She could be birding, so why is she climbing around on a roof without her binoculars instead?
Rare Butterflies Return Home
This summer 200 federally threatened Dakota skippers emerged as butterflies and were reintroduced to a Minnesota prairie.
Recovery: Extricating Reptiles from the Pit of Despair
Nevada bans all commercial take of reptiles, the last state to do so. The story behind the ban.
The Ocean Flyway: The Surprising Open Water Routes of Songbird Migrations
Research reveals that songbirds make much longer migrations over open water than previously thought. Why do they choose this arduous route?
Can Pine Squirrels Change the Evolution of a Forest?
Could the loud but small pine squirrel have an outsized impact on how Western U.S. forests look?