Discover stories in Biodiversity
There’s a Plague in Our Oceans. Can Ecosystem Services Help?
Big disease outbreaks are making our ocean biota sick, from corals with spots and halos to starfish melting away
The Surprising Fireflies of the Western US
Fireflies in Utah canyons? Ed Abbey thought so, and now so do researchers.
Expanding Protected Areas Is Not Always the Best Investment
Research shows that increased management of existing protected areas could be a better investment for conservation than purchasing new land.
Community MPAs Fail to Protect Important Reef Fish
New science shows that community-managed protected are failing to protect two important reef fish species in the Solomon Islands.
The Real Reason You See Earthworms After Rain
It’s not what you think.
Meet the Mysterious Freshwater Eels of New Zealand
Meet the eels of New Zealand… they can climb ladders, live for 100 years, and migrate thousands of miles to an unknown spawning ground.
Recovery: Darters and Values
Darters, the native fish once belittled as “cold slimy things,” face a more hopeful future.
When Fish Eat Birds
The pike that ate an eagle. A cod that barfs up black ducks. And other true fish stories.
Can Cities Replace Wildlands for Pollinators?
New research shows that green space in cities could provide vital habitat for pollinators.
Seven Wildlife Diseases You’ve Never Heard Of
Wildlife diseases are an often-overlooked threat. We give you the short details on seven little-known bacteria, fungi or viruses threatening wild species.
Where Have All the House Sparrows Gone?
The house sparrow, one of the world’s most abundant birds, is in widespread decline. What’s going on?
How President Herbert Hoover Helped Save the Koala
Koalas were almost hunted to extinction last century, until American President Herbert Hoover helped put a stop to the trade.